Anyone share their Windows 11 Music Create Exp.


Anyone share their Windows 11 Music Create Exp.
« on: June 03, 2023, 05:16:48 PM »
I have been using Windows 11 doing the same sort of things, and more, as I did in Windows 10, and have not yet experienced any BSOD. 

I have heard from other sources that there may be some improvements for Audio creators in Windows 11.  However, I have also upgraded to a Desktop computer with tons more USB ins, and 12/24 cores where before I was using 8/16. 

So It is not a experiment for me with any control.  That is several things are changing at once.  Anyone upgraded to Windows 11 and have any better experience than before in creating audio?  Just polling here.  The person I saw who said Windows 11 was making music over on YouTube with a dinky surface pro computer:
« Last Edit: June 03, 2023, 05:20:41 PM by 558 »
Prophet 10, 0692
Ryzen 3900XT 12/24
Studio One
iPhone 5s Moog Model D via bluetooths of Reface Looper or Xkeys, Arturia Beatstep Pro w/Roland System 1m, Roland JP08, Roland TD17s as drums &->Prophet 10, Oxygen 8v2->Prophet, Akai Adv 25 or Launchey arps->Prophet10 or any all VSTs.