Help with a firmware update that failed

Help with a firmware update that failed
« on: May 19, 2023, 12:35:25 PM »

I got a desktop OB-6 and tried to roll back the firmware from 1.7.6 to 1.7.4 after reading that the former has issues. It's my first DSI synth, I have no experience with sysex...

Tried via usb with midi-ox and something went wrong. After the two countdowns it does not restart as it's supposed to and shows 1 8 6 on the screens. Any idea what I can do ? I got to the midi loader and am trying all kind of settings in the sysex apps but it's always the same behavior.

Can I find the 1.7.6 anywhere, maybe it will work instead? I'd take anything right about now.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2023, 12:55:35 PM by semartian »

Re: Help with a firmware update that failed
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2023, 10:09:56 AM »
If you haven't fixed it yet, try looking on this forum for the "boot loader" process instead.  I find that need to use that method on the OB6, otherwise it just gets stuck at the end like you described. 
Sequential/DSI Equipment: Poly Evolver Keyboard, Evolver desktop,   Pro-2, Pro-3, OB6, P-12,

Re: Help with a firmware update that failed
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2023, 02:29:08 PM »
If you haven't fixed it yet, try looking on this forum for the "boot loader" process instead.  I find that need to use that method on the OB6, otherwise it just gets stuck at the end like you described.

Thank you for the reply. The bootloader method didn't work over a good amount of tries. Customer support gave me a .6 firmware which restored the functionality on the first go. Either .4 is compatible with my newer hardware iteration or for a software reason, installing .4 over .6 is not possible. So don't try messing with firmwares unless you have a copy of the one you're trying to replace.


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Re: Help with a firmware update that failed
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2023, 12:21:16 PM »
I think 1.7.6 came out as a result of some hardware changes, so it’s possible 1.7.4 won’t work on these newest units.  Also, updating an older synth to 1.7.6 causes issues, so if your synth is on 1.7.4, keep it that way, and if it came with 1.7.6, keep it that way, and you should be good.