This patch uses a technique that I've been obsessed with for the last couple days. It consists of a base low sound, and a high sound that drops an octave when the key is released.
This neat effect involves the interplay between the Poly-Mod section, controlling pitch of Oscillator A with the Filter Envelope. The oscillator's behavior is set with the envelope shape, and then the Poly-Mod Filter Envelope amount control is used to dial in the interval during the Sustain stage at max (with the octave being around 4 for Filter Env amount). The Release stage is used to set how fast the pitch falls from this interval (down the to base pitch) after the key is released. Attack and Decay control how long it takes to reach the interval set by Filter Envelope amount. In this sound, it's a fast rise, just enough to give the impression of glide.
I like this technique more than simple Glide, because the intervals played are relative to the key being played, and are not dependent on previously-played keys.
Note that the Filter's Keyboard tracking is set to Half, which really focuses attention on the high sound at higher pitches, with the effect being more subtle down low. Notice how much busier the sound is when you turn Keyboard tracking off.
Sound #415 adds a bit of extra magic with the square LFO to pitch of Oscillator B, which can be controlled by aftertouch.
A variant is to make the sound drop after release instead of rise. To do this, you would set the interval from the Poly-Mod amount a bit higher, and then the Filter Envelope's Sustain level a bit lower. To drop by an octave, these values are about 6 and 5, respectively. You need to tune these intervals by ear.
Another interesting variant is to tune Oscillator A lower than Oscillator B.