Thanks for that, both of you! It sounds like some of the secret sauce can be had in other synths, but not the gestalt of it, all together in one. Not having heard one in person (and YT does nothing justice), I'm still not quite sure what that sound _is_, but its certainly more understandable to me how it might be different from all of these now. A bit like the Nord Lead is different from the Virus and other VAs - less on the spec sheet and more on the whole thing as a cohesive instrument (and the specific algorithmic choices internally which affect the sound).
Interesting that you both point out stereo filters - in fact one thing I do quite frequently on the P12 is to use the stack, duplicate the program from A to B, set DC pan on A to hard left, on B to hard right, and then tweak the filter between the two sides to give a more subtle yet very noticeable stereo width and spaciousness. Any further differences in the programs only serve to increase that sense in controlled ways, especially when they are differences in modulation or timing of envelopes, etc.
I agree there aren't enough wave options in the P12, but it's nice to know that there's some of the evolver-"ish" in it.
Well, I certainly wouldn't be opposed to seeing a Pro3 style hybrid with stereo filters, some carefully chosen mix of vintage and modern wavetables (or user-customizable so you can load Evolver tables if you like) - and perhaps the option to "let it alias" if you want to (the horror! -- but I hear what you mean, Sacred Synthesis, about aliasing into reverb sometimes working out very nicely).
So is the "Evolv"ing part of the Evolver the morphing between wavetables? Or the modulation? What was new about it that made it so "evolve-y" at the time?