Thanks Quatschmacher !
I watched a lot of videos before taking the plunge.
I have to add that i also own a P10Rev4 since 2 years.
I was concern about a major thing and a detail before buying.
First, was there too much overlap between P10 and OBX8.
Actually there is a small amount of overlap for a bunch of sounds, if you use the 4 pole LPF of the OB-X8 with some slight rez settings but i found that for most things, they complete each other very well, which is finally a strong point.
The detail was about the envelopes speed, and i was happy to hear that they can be snappy when needed.
Needless to say that the build quality is very good on both.
I prefer putting the pots on 'Jump' mode, so you are sure to have the full range of parameter settings.
(Jump mode should be native for an OB !

So maybe give it another try if you can.