Future "Prophet-10 Rev2" or "T-8 Rev2" ?


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Future "Prophet-10 Rev2" or "T-8 Rev2" ?
« on: March 26, 2023, 12:28:58 PM »
I am so amazed by the complete package the OB-X8 delivers - you can have mono or stereo in single or double mode with panning options just like you want the sound to be and you can finish the sound in a way that almost no fx is required.

I imagine a future-retro "Prophet-10 Rev2" or maybe a "T-8 Rev2" with those dedicated options: mono/stereo outs with a real double/split mode plus the choices of panning options via display.. that would be a huge update to both Prophet lines Rev 4 and P6 (I know it has panning, but no double mode)!

That would be a new-vintage Prophet I would buy immediately..


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  • 80s.. synths.. guitars..
Re: Future "Prophet-10 Rev2" or "T-8 Rev2" ?
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2023, 01:27:46 AM »
Ok guys.. I have to rethink my comment because it just happened having a P5 rev4 side by side with the OB-X8.. maybe the magic lies within the design itself - the P5 is just perfect as it is!! So massive and pure.. you can do what ever you want! Panning seems to work great with the OB lushness but i think the bold focused sound character of the Prophet just does not need panning.. so cheers!

Separate outputs like on the vintage P10 or T8 is a different approach with dedicated lower/upper & double/split modes on the panel..

Happy days!


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Re: Future "Prophet-10 Rev2" or "T-8 Rev2" ?
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2023, 06:45:08 AM »
I had reservations about Rev 4's lack of stereo and effects, but took the leap anyway. Once I heard it, those things no longer mattered.

I think the Prophet-10 Rev 4 Mk II should be a dual-manual beast with a sequencer!
Prophet 5 Rev 4 #2711

MPC One+ ∙ MuseScore 4




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Re: Future "Prophet-10 Rev2" or "T-8 Rev2" ?
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2023, 11:22:30 AM »
By today’s standards it would have to be Prophet 20 :-)

Re: Future "Prophet-10 Rev2" or "T-8 Rev2" ?
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2023, 12:39:00 PM »
My main HUGE request would be a display with patch names instead of numeric LED. And with that would be patch selection via category. I have zero room in my brain for remembering patch numbers and editors are lame for basic usage.

That's really my main hardware revision request. (edit: though i still have a few firmware change hopes!)

The addition of split/dual functionality in OS 2 has really opened a can of worms hasn't it! With this it's like you've made a whole 'nother instrument with several needed additions including separate layer outputs, layer select and split/dual buttons, volume balance, panning modes, probably something else...

Let's just do the v2 of the Prophet 5v4 with what I want and then a different model v2 Prophet 10 with all of that other stuff? DEAL?

They could make a steal making 100 or so dual manual Prophet 10s with the sequencer! Yeah why not?? Cash in on it.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2023, 12:42:43 PM by johnsimmons »


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Re: Future "Prophet-10 Rev2" or "T-8 Rev2" ?
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2023, 03:31:48 PM »
I’d settle for a simple official librarian, which would allow me to edit just the patch name and the patch location. When I had to reorganise my user patch area recently, it required me 2.5 hours of complete discipline to record about 120 patches from their old into a new location. My favourites of a similar category are now grouped into the same bank, so if I need e.g a pad, I know where to look.

To get organised, I have also manually input all factory and user preset names, categories and locations into Numbers, which I can access on my phone and my ipad. Now with a filter on category, name or whichever attribute I’ve enriched the list with, the sound search experience is pretty good.

Re: Future "Prophet-10 Rev2" or "T-8 Rev2" ?
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2023, 12:21:50 AM »
That´s what the free Librarian from kris does. You can edit the names and build your own banks. See: Knobkraft Orm here in the forum. I love it and use it for all my sound housekeeping.