Well I kind of suspected something like that from a technical point of view when I saw the price drops and it turned out to be true. Still waiting for the official word on why. Good to know the tweet sharing was appreciated.
The only box I miss from the line of discontinued products would be a Tetra or two but unless they are offered to me for something like $100 each they are completely out of my reach financially. Also I have learned in the past that running after a discontinued product to get one at the last possible moment and that possibly at very high costs may not always be the best idea because a new and much better solution may/will arrive sometimes in the future. I mean, just look at Moog MF-104 later replaced by the far more powerful MF-104M.
If we should speculate a little on the future product ranges what I would wonder most about is what the price range future DSI and Sequential products will be in. What we have seen in recent years are mainly highly priced flagship products (aka the jewel syndrome). I personally hope that DSI would make a new platform smaller voice count lower cost hybrid voice architecture desktop module. But we could just as well see Dave wanting to continue the sequential process of creating one flagship instrument after another. Which is understandable if one thinks about the market and artistic impact they make but its sad for low budget users like me who came to DSI because of their affordable fairly advanced voice architecture machines.
And if I should mention the unmentionable there seems to be happening a reduction of software work backlog in their current product line fairly soon. Mopho module needs the EWI fix which is already made but not published yet (ref old forum), Tetra may have a few issues, Evolver desktop have a number of MIDI bugs while the Mopho keyboards seems to be working fairly well. Would be nice if these things would be fixed one day!
Right now it seems that DSI are focusing their product range towards the higher priced items.
Good for DSI. Bad for me!