Believe it or not, I bought the OB-X8 in the hopes of getting ONE particular sounds that I identified with the OB series. It's the "detuned" portamento sound where all Oscillators arrive at the target pitch at different times. The OB-X does have a switch for this "Portamento Match = Off", but its way too subtle at fast speeds. You really can't even hear the effect.
I fell in love with this sound in the 70s with a number of Styx songs that made use of it and always wanted a hardware synth to achieve this sound. While I do love the OB-X8 a lot, I'm massively disappointed that I can't achieve the OB sound that I've always dreamed of.
Attached are two sound files. One is a software synth emulating the sounds I'm expecting (SonicProjects OP-X) and the other is the OB-X8. On the OB-X8, you really can't even hear the drift between the Oscillators.
Would it be possible to Change "Portamento Match" into a value instead of an On/Off switch so we can dial in the amount of drift we want? This would make my sonic fantasy come true!
Kind Regards,