Pro 2 CV Output Explained

Pro 2 CV Output Explained
« on: October 09, 2015, 02:48:20 PM »

The Pro 2 is extremely flexible when it comes to Control Voltages, and it can be configured to properly interact with virtually all Eurorack modules.

The Pro 2's CV outputs have a range of 0 to 10v. Since the range is 0-10v, Middle C is sent from the CV output at 5v. This allows the CV out to track over a 10 octave range, from 0 to 10v.

There is no standard input voltage range for Eurorack modules. Some modules/external synths have a 10v input range, while others have a 5v input range. Using the "DC Offset" parameter in the Modulation Matrix, you can configure the Pro 2 as necessary to work correctly with your specific module.

You can also assign the keyboard/sequencer of the Pro 2 to transmit CV data at 1v/octave by assigning "note number" to modulate "CV out (1-4)" with an "Amount" of "127" in the Mod Matrix.


For example:

If the Pro 2 sends CV at 1v/octave to an oscillator that has a maximum input range of 5v, sending Middle C from the Pro 2 will result in the oscillator playing at its highest frequency.

There are a couple ways to correct for this offset. First, you could use an external attenuator. Or, by applying a negative DC offset to the CV output via the Modulation Matrix the Pro 2 can compensate for the voltage difference completely internally. Here's how you would configure the Pro 2 to control an external oscillator which has a 5v input range from the Mod Matrix:


Mod Slot 1: Note Number --> 127 --> CV out 1 (This will set the CV output to scale at 1v/octave when a note is played)

Mod Slot 2: DC --> -64 --> CV out 1 (The DC offset of -64 will apply a -5v offset to the CV)


The external oscillator with a 5v range in our example will now track at the same octave as the Pro 2's internal oscillators.

You can adjust the DC offset for other maximum voltages as well.

In general:

DC offset value of -16 would equal a -1.25v offset to the CV output
DC offset value of -32 would equal a -2.5v offset to the CV output
DC offset value of -48 would equal a -3.75v offset to the CV output
And so on...


You can also make incremental adjustments to the DC offset to fit your specific application.

Re: Pro 2 CV Output Explained
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2016, 01:50:29 AM »
I should have read this first before plugging the Pro2 with the microBrute, but I figured it out all by myself, pretty logical to have a DC offset feature with mod matrix.
prophet 12, PRO2, mono evolver KB, Hikari Duo, Cobalt5S, Hydrasynth Explorer, microFreak, 0-Coast, 0-CTRL, ensoniq VFX-SD, Roland V-Synth, SH-4d, JD-XA, TB-3, A-50, Yamaha DX7, CASIO CZ-101, KORG 800DV, DW-8000, wavestate, kaossilator 2, volca nubass/modular, SQ-1, novation MiniNova, iOS/Mac apps

Re: Pro 2 CV Output Explained
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2016, 06:51:06 PM »
It would be nicer if the offsets were configurable in the global options instead, so they don't need to be set up for every patch and also use mod matrix slots. That's what the Elektron A4/Keys does and IMO it makes a lot more sense if you are usually connecting to the same hardware. The mod matrix setup could sum with the global settings if there was any further offset applied there.

Re: Pro 2 CV Output Explained
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2016, 08:47:14 AM »
Honesty, I would rather see any CV related offsets stored at the Program level. I have multiple CV controlled synths that require different settings. I'd like to be able to just load a program an know that all offsets, etc. are ready to go. As mentioned previously, the Analog Four handles this so much better. Even though the CV offsets are stored globally, you have multiple global settings that can be stored / recalled at will.


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Re: Pro 2 CV Output Explained
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2016, 12:15:44 PM »
I've set up two (very plain) own init patches with the DC config for my two machines included. If i don't need CV this makes no difference and if i need the mod slots i just overwrite it.

With the mod matrix the CV "setup" is saved with any patch i wrote. This is OK for me, because any "CV presets" would not really help me further in my typical workflows...
dettenbach audio
[Evolver+PolyEvolver Rack, Pro2, Tempest]

Re: Pro 2 CV Output Explained
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2016, 07:12:50 PM »
I've set up two (very plain) own init patches with the DC config for my two machines included. If i don't need CV this makes no difference and if i need the mod slots i just overwrite it.

With the mod matrix the CV "setup" is saved with any patch i wrote. This is OK for me, because any "CV presets" would not really help me further in my typical workflows...

That works, but if you ever change which oscillator / external synth you're controlling and need to switch to a different range, you now have to change all your patches.


Re: Pro 2 CV Output Explained
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2016, 04:24:59 PM »
Can Someone help me setup CV out of my DSI pro 2 into the tempest
read manual searched the web. I'm new to this cv stuff I've read that you can hook CV In Cv Out into the tempest
I would love to have some help how to Hook up DSI pro 2 into tempest or vice versa
thank you anyone.

Re: Pro 2 CV Output Explained
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2016, 03:54:54 AM »
Can Someone help me setup CV out of my DSI pro 2 into the tempest
read manual searched the web. I'm new to this cv stuff I've read that you can hook CV In Cv Out into the tempest
I would love to have some help how to Hook up DSI pro 2 into tempest or vice versa
thank you anyone.


I don't have a Tempest, but have a Pro2 so will try to answer as much as possible.
To say the conclusion first, I personally doubt that you can connect and have Pro2 and Tempest via CV/Gate and work correctly. I suppose it can even cause damage to the Tempest.

The Pro2's CV/Gate I/O is for playing and controlling external analog synths and analog sequencers, whereas the Tempest have no CV/Gate output, but have only a couple of CV input that is made for connecting foot switches and continuous foot pedal controllers.
So they are made for different purposes.
And there is no way to have Tempest play or control the Pro2 via CV/Gate, since there is no dedicated CV/Gate output on Tempest. You should use MIDI.

Furthermore, the Tempest's CV input for pedals accept zero to max 3.3V, whereas the Pro2's CV output ranges from zero to max 10V. Therefore plugging the CV out of Pro2 into Tempest's CV in can damage the Tempest. The Pro2 does have DC offset feature to lower the output voltage in the mod matrix, but the actual output voltage values are not displayed anywhere.

If you still want to try for yourself then it'll be at your own risk.
If it does work, then by using mod matrix you can do some weird interesting things, but I doubt it'll work.

Sorry, but can't help you on this.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2016, 03:56:33 AM by NemoSynth »
prophet 12, PRO2, mono evolver KB, Hikari Duo, Cobalt5S, Hydrasynth Explorer, microFreak, 0-Coast, 0-CTRL, ensoniq VFX-SD, Roland V-Synth, SH-4d, JD-XA, TB-3, A-50, Yamaha DX7, CASIO CZ-101, KORG 800DV, DW-8000, wavestate, kaossilator 2, volca nubass/modular, SQ-1, novation MiniNova, iOS/Mac apps

Re: Pro 2 CV Output Explained
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2016, 09:39:20 AM »
If the output voltage, including negative offset, exceeds the 0v lower limit, does the CV out floor at 0v? Or does it actually issue a negative voltage?
Sequential / DSI stuff: Prophet-6 Keyboard with Yorick Tech LFE, Prophet 12 Keyboard, Mono Evolver Keyboard, Split-Eight, Six-Trak, Prophet 2000

Re: Pro 2 CV Output Explained
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2016, 05:41:25 AM »
you can get -10V to 10V from the CV outs.

Re: Pro 2 CV Output Explained
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2016, 06:19:27 PM »
Greetings All.  I've followed the manual and the advice above from Robot Heart in an attempt to control a Sub 37 from the Pro 2 with no luck.  I've done everything from check the voltage difference across an octave with a voltmeter to using an attenuator.  Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.  Cheers.


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Re: Pro 2 CV Output Explained
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2016, 06:28:31 PM »
Can you explain what is not working? What are you trying to accomplish and how is it not working?

Re: Pro 2 CV Output Explained
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2016, 03:09:53 AM »
Can you explain what is not working? What are you trying to accomplish and how is it not working?
On Pro2:
Note Number at 127 to CV out 1
DC at -64 (I've even tried as low as -50) to CV out 1
With these setting CV out 1 on Pro 2 to Pitch CV on Sub37; and Gate from Pro 2 to KB Gate on Sub 37.
These did not track the Sub properly.
I also tried using a voltmeter to determine which note produced a 1V signal, then enabling Record 1V signal on the Sub under the Pitch CV calibration, and playing the same 1V note from the Pro 2.  Same result.

Re: Pro 2 CV Output Explained
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2018, 08:33:53 AM »
Thank you so much for this. I was struggling to control my 0-Coast by trying to play with the note number amount. DC Offset is the magic sauce.


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Re: Pro 2 CV Output Explained
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2018, 09:33:55 PM »
Is the Pro2's CV output calibration have enough range to do 1.2V/oct even if I lose an octave or so?  I'm curious if I could play my Buchla with the Pro2 through directly through CVs. 

Can the gates output 10V?

Re: Pro 2 CV Output Explained
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2018, 02:41:39 AM »
Is the Pro2's CV output calibration have enough range to do 1.2V/oct even if I lose an octave or so?  I'm curious if I could play my Buchla with the Pro2 through directly through CVs. 

Can the gates output 10V?

The gate does output 10V. And the Pro 2’s CV outputs have a range of 0 to 10V. You can further use the DC offset parameter in the modulation matrix to make further adjustments.

Re: Pro 2 CV Output Explained
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2018, 02:16:21 AM »
I’ve just written this on the feature request thread:

I was looking into using the Pro 2 to control external gear via CV. As I read the manual, one needs to use 8 mod slots to configure 4 CV outputs to run at 0-5V (1 for each assignment per slot and then a DC offset per slot).

Given that many would often be hooking up to gear where each CV out is at the same voltage value, would it not make sense to have a parameter that sends a DC offset to all CV outputs (and maybe inputs too)? That would free up 3 mod slots.

That is to say, could you please add “all CV outputs”, “all CV inputs” and “all CV inputs/outputs” as modulation destinations. Or have a global menu option that handles CV I/O offset.

Re: Pro 2 CV Output Explained
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2018, 03:05:00 AM »
As to global versus per-patch control. It might be possible (and would be great) to have both options. For example, the Sub 37 has a note priority setting stored with each patch. In the global menu there is the option to choose the setting stored with each patch (PRESET) or a global override of HIGH, LOW and LAST.

Re: Pro 2 CV Output Explained
« Reply #18 on: November 06, 2018, 12:34:02 AM »
Hey everyone, noob here... Im trying to connect various oscillators via the cv with no luck. Followed the instructions exactly and Im getting no response at all when I plug into the v/o inputs, on 3 different oscs...  having a hard time finding any info on what it could possibly be thats not right here....

Re: Pro 2 CV Output Explained
« Reply #19 on: November 09, 2018, 07:59:34 PM »
Hey everyone, noob here... Im trying to connect various oscillators via the cv with no luck. Followed the instructions exactly and Im getting no response at all when I plug into the v/o inputs, on 3 different oscs...  having a hard time finding any info on what it could possibly be thats not right here....
Try resetting the globals.  I had to do this when I updated the firmware as I was only getting voltage from the gate output.  Once I reset the globals all was fine again.  The note number, DC offset, and CV scaling are not an exact science.  Even with the same synth days later you will have to make adjustments.  Usually I have note number somewhere  between 125-126, DC offset varies between minus 35 and minus 60.  Once you get somewhat consistent intervals between octaves, then adjust CV scaling in the global control section.