I heard your utube demonstrations of the obx8 verses the prophets. Prophet5 rev 4 and the rev 2 16 voice. I also heard your demonstration of the patches. Excellent. You know how to manipulate the obx8 . You’re very talented. I come from a piano background in jazz. Actually I was listening to your utube demo of the patches just a few hours ago. I don’t consider myself a synthisist. I just like synths.
I I notice you’re in Nashville. I once sold some of my sampling programming many years ago to Shooter Jennings Waylon Jennings son. I was using a kurzweil k2000R synth /sampler at the time.
Met him on the internet . Why do you think the Specular Tempus pairs better than anything else with the OBX8? I have an Eventide space I use with my moog voyager. I also have a Roland space echo pedal RE201. I don’t have any effects hooked up to the obx8. It sounds great without effects. I was considering an Eventide time factor. I keep hearing about the Specular Tempus. Was wondering what its strength s were. Thanks really enjoy your playing and knob twisting. Keep up the good work,really enjoy your comparing and contrasting of synths . It’s very informative and shows the differences
And similarities. Thanks again appreciate your input.
Thanks for the kind words! As in my email reply, I’ve just never heard a reverb that sounds like the Tempus - it blows the doors off of everything else I’ve tried for that sort of thing. It just blends so well with any source, it sounds creamy and lush, textural... pick your favorite adjective ;-)
Reverbs are subjective of course, but for my taste, nothing else touches it. Hopefully that video shows off how well it pairs with the X8… I know it caused a lot of Tempus sales!