I've had the 2.0 update for about 2 weeks now.
MIDI problem with Logic Pro. Using USB MIDI logic can read MIDI input, but does not output back to Take5.
Works fine with my other synths, including a Rev 2 so It's not a software issue.
I believe the problem is connected to the Soft MIDI Thru that is omitted from the new firmware. In fact, MIDI Thru does not even exist anywhere in the global menus.
Please fix this issue quickly.
Thanks in advance.
Hey Gary, my T5 with the v2 firmware works fine for me in Logic using the USB connection for MIDI. Are you sure you have the T5 set as the destination in the External MIDI plugin?
I've tested and retested my MIDI configuration.
A recording made previously with the take 5 refuses toplay but I have the audio recorded as well and with audio muted, aven with take 5 soloed it can record MIDI but not play it back. Also in my system Numa Compact 2x, Prophet rev 2 16, ASM hydrasynth, Boss DR880, Behringer RD8, Alesis Samplepad Pro and Arturia Keystep Pro.
Everything behaves predictably except the Take 5.
Any other thoughts?
There are multiple ways to connect and record external MIDI devices in Logic, which led to much confusion on my part when I first started. Still does, frankly, because some things work as expected in regular MIDI tracks but do not in tracks using the External MIDI Plugin, but the latter method is the easiest to work with.
Which method are you using, and how are your external MIDI devices connected to your Mac? I assume the T5 is connected via USB, which is how I currently connect mine. Most of the rest of my devices are connected via a MIDI Express 128 multiport interface where each device has a dedicated port.
If using the External MIDI plugin method, have you confirmed that the MIDI track that is not playing back on the T5 is actually assigned to the T5 in the External MIDI Plugin?