.. and if you do get the noise I would then try the same settings but through the main outs into the soundcard with the headphones plugged into the soundcard. If you no longer get the issue then you have (probably) isolated it to the Headphone out on the synth. If you still get the noise then it suggests something else within the synth itself.
I have recorded my signal through both the main outs, and the headphone out. On both, I get about -80db of noise, which is absolutely normal for the rev2. The recordings I have attached above, prove that (there is also a high pitched sound, which I attribute to USB grounding and all this stuff).
The issue is that I am getting white noise on my headphones when plugged directly into the REV2. I have tried another pair of headphones I own, although I must they are pretty cheap.
My main pair of headphones are the Audio Technica ATH-M50X. On my other synths, they are dead quiet. Could there be a problem with the ATH-M50X and the REV2 combination? I am not familiar with the impedance stuff, so I might be doing something wrong pairing those two. Does anyone have something on this?
I also had a hissing noise on my headphones but also on the main output. I had to have my rev2 exchanged. was a defect in the device. At that time I made a screenshot of the frequencies that caused the noise and a sound file. attached this here.
These are very high numbers for the noise floor and I am very happy you got another REV2. I get about -80db of noise, which is totally normal. Maybe I am doing something wrong pairing my ATH-M50X with the REV2?