I have to confess, after 3 weeks owning both, the OB6 and the P6, I have a clear preference to the OB6. The reason why, is mainly because the OB6 fits better into my productions. The P6 somehow sounds always a bit "far away", "dull", "softer" and much less "in your face" then the OB and its more difficult to make it shine in a Mix. The Ob seems much louder as well and the P6 is clipping much faster. At least that's my experience until now.
When I play with the P6, I like what I hear. But as soon as I try to do some sounds for actual projects, I'm having troubles making the sounds shine in the Mix. With the OB I don't have those problems at all.
Honestly I'm a bit confused now..lol, but I'm tending to sell the P6 and get a Pro 2 instead...only because it I get a much broader sound palette.
One thing is for sure...both synth are great...but owning both, for me seems a bit a overkill. I mean, those synths shine most on the classic sounds like Leads, Pads, Baselines etc., so one is enough. I might prefer to get a Pro 2 instead for some more "out of this world" sounds, the P6 / OB6 cant achieve.