pro 2 cv out and gate out


pro 2 cv out and gate out
« on: January 23, 2023, 03:49:54 PM »
   Hello everyone, I've had the pro 2 for a few years now, but never really got to know the synth well, and aside from basic programming and using my ears for everything, I can say its complex, and confusing sometimes. I know its capable of a lot more than I'm using it for. I'm trying to teach myself more about synthesis and programming, than just using my ears and my playing skills. I've been reading up on using the cv out and realizing I'm probably using it in the most basic way. As of now I have it hooked up to my Behringer Td3 cv i/o have the mod settings to cv 1in, amount to 127, and set to frequency for all, fooling around with the parameters etc. I also have a EHX 8 step going into the pro 2 as well, searching for a certain sound. I'm trying to use the gate i/o of the pro 2 with the td3 but did not find much on it at all, as for the different things I can do. I've read an older post on this forum called "cv outs explained'' but not really absorbing it. So, I was wondering if anyone on this forum can give me some advice on how to go about using these techniques. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, and happy new year !



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Re: pro 2 cv out and gate out
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2023, 09:39:33 PM »

RTFM?   :D  (sry)

..Look on the Sequential support page for the "Pro 2", there are links there for the Manual, plus addendums [PDF warning], the OS, and sound original banks.
- (Careful updating the OS, save everything first!)
Kurzweil K, Pro3, TX81z, K1r, Triton w/MOSS, Wavestation EX in a bag in the corner.


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Re: pro 2 cv out and gate out
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2023, 07:31:58 AM »
You could use the TD-3's CV to play notes on the Pro 2, but you might as well use MIDI out for that. Experiment with different modulation destinations, like filter, and you'll get some interesting results.

The Pro 2 can't do much with the TD-3's gate out, but you can use it as kind of a "high/low" switcher for Pro 2 modulation destinations.

Frankly, there's not a ton of CV capability in the TD-3, but enough to try things out and decide whether you want more. A good companion would be something like a Moog Mother-32, or a Make Noise 0-Coast. Even the humble Arturia MicroBrute has some interesting CV destinations.
Prophet 5 Rev 4 #2711

MPC One+ ∙ MuseScore 4



Re: pro 2 cv out and gate out
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2023, 02:06:12 PM »

RTFM?   :D  (sry)

..Look on the Sequential support page for the "Pro 2", there are links there for the Manual, plus addendums [PDF warning], the OS, and sound original banks.
- (Careful updating the OS, save everything first!)
Lol, I do rtfm, but sometimes its not that cut and dry. Thank you