I have been playing the Osmose since beginning of January. It is truly an amazing, definitively a live players, instrument. For me a total game changer. Playing the Osmose has very much put a flame under my desire to learn to play properly: practicing my scales on the Osmose each and every day so far this year.
Each patch is unique and the same patch can sound dramatically different when played with a different playing style
I have fired up the EaganMatrix once and connected it to the Osmose and certainly want to explore it in a lot more detail. As Shaw said, persistence is the key
For now I am content to change the synth parameters through the front panel. These are, I believe, represented in the EaganMatrix as macros. Many patches have a different set of synth parameters. Some of the parameters I have investigated so far are filter cutoff, envelop time, noise oscillator level, oscillator vowel types, layer mix balance, something called "layer structure", delay effects (non-global) and there are many more.
On top of that there are the global effects parameters, which are a reverb, several delays and echos. Each of those global effects has a few parameters that can tweak the effect. There is a tilted eq facility, which can be tilted to favor bass at the cost of treble and vice versa. The frequency tilt axes can be changed. This really helps with the analog style patches and can take out the harshness if it is in the patch.
As the dynamic range of the sound engine is huge, there is also a compressor & gain section. I haven't played with that part yet.
I have to say that this is my very first synth where I have sat down and structurally listened and investigated all presets. I even made a list of the presets I liked most and I am in the process of slowly diving deeper into each of those while I practice at the same time.
Of course I was very interested how the Osmose would sound in the mix with some of my other synths. I have a track on my Soundcloud account featuring the Rev2, Digitone and some Eurorack modules and the Osmose. Rev2, Digitone and Eurorack (via the Niftykeyz) sequenced by the Digitone, Osmose played live. Direct recording into Bitwig with a bit of mastering by Izotope Ozone. Track starts with a Rev2 bass and next instrument is the Osmose (easily spotted as I used the amazing " pressure glide" feature a tat too much ..... ).