Hi, I installed the last beta OS, in order to have more patch memories, etc.
before I backed up my user patches, then I managed my patches differently, on the 16 user banks available now, and made a backup of these. No problems, but after I tried other adjustments, reloaded my initial (128 user) backup to transfer to factory patches (it's possible via Debug menu), then reloaded my 256 user patches backup :
I experiment problems, some patches don't return to the Take 5.
I'm using Midi Ox, when sending my patches via sysex to the Take 5, they always stop at 504, then jump to 601 and stop at 608, and stay there. I've observed (when retrying multiple times) that if I touch buttons or wheels of the T5 during uploading, it will accept some more patches than getting stuck to the 608. Forgot to tell that obviously I lost the patches when the process stops (they become basic patches)
Is it a problem with Midi Ox, or due to the new OS, or are my backup files faulty ?