Curious if there's any love for the Micromoog amongst forum peeps. I *almost* ended up with what would've been my third, but the stars didn't line up, alas. When the recent Minimoog reissue was announced, I got excited about it, but knew it's not something affordable for me. It did remind me, though, of my love for the infamous Micromoog. One osc, a sub, and a filter that runs rings around Saturn. People of the Internet speak so often of those synths which "sit in the mix," but part of the Micromoog's charm is that it always stands out. It can do simple and sweet tones, certainly, but it can cut through and do all manner of unabashedly "synthesizery" things.
I traded my first Pro One, my first synth, for a Micromoog. I then traded that Micromoog for a second Pro One, which I still have. That Pro One ended up in Berlin with me. I picked up a second Micromoog and it was such good friends with the Pro One. I couldn't fly the Moog home to California when I moved back (though I'm second-guessing that as I type). I sold it to the guy who runs Patch Point, who was also a Micromoog enthusiast. It went to a good home, at least!
Any other Micromoog fans within the ranks?