Hi all,
I'm not that much here or on synths forum lately due to another love starting 2 years ago, Drums...So, I'm close to having my full set + cymbals and snares and recording them so, time to come back to my first love.
Last time I left it was the P10 and now there is the Trigon with a Ladder filter. I never had any Moog, too expensive for Mono synths for me. I had always hesitated for an OB6 because I have a P08+Tetra and a P12.
But as the trigon seem to be P6+OB6+Ladder filter, should the best configuration should be a trigon on top of a Prophet 10? Keys version? I will keep my two other DSI synths though, I like them too much...
Or should it be P10 + desktop OB6 + desktop P6 + desktop T6 if we consider that the trigon and the P6 and the OB6 are enough different from each other?
Or should I skipped the P6 because I would have a P10?
Let me know your thoughts, thanks