How To: Clear / Delete Sequence From A Take 5 Patch?

How To: Clear / Delete Sequence From A Take 5 Patch?
« on: December 22, 2022, 09:18:08 AM »
Hi all.
Have searched but could not find an answer in the manual or forum posts.
Does anyone know how to clear/delete a sequence (entirely) from a Take 5 patch?

I have some patches I have made and included sequences as demos while I fine-tuned them, but now I'm happy with the patch sounds I no longer want to keep the internal sequences and instead use my DAW to arrange a sequence.

The annoying thing is that while hooked up to my DAW, each time I press play, MIDI CLOCK is sent to the Take 5 and the sequences play, whether I want them to or not. ('Play' automatically engages as soon a CLOCK START message is received)
I could turn off MIDI receive CLOCK on Take 5 or Untick the Take 5 as a Clock destination in my DAW, but this just seems like a really long way around when I don't even really want to keep the sequences anyway.
I'd also like to still have the option to sync the Arp on these patches.

Hoping there is a button combo or something on the Take 5 to just erase the current sequence from the current patch?

Thanks in advance!
« Last Edit: December 22, 2022, 10:36:52 AM by Zonbizoku »


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Re: How To: Clear / Delete Sequence From A Take 5 Patch?
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2022, 04:01:32 PM »
Can you turn off the start/stop receive?

In Globals you can set Clock Mode Out:  to "in no s/s" (no start and stop):  Receives MIDI Clock but does not respond to MIDI Start or Stop command.

Kurzweil K, Pro3, TX81z, K1r, Triton w/MOSS, Wavestation EX in a bag in the corner.

Re: How To: Clear / Delete Sequence From A Take 5 Patch?
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2022, 03:49:54 AM »
Can you turn off the start/stop receive?

In Globals you can set Clock Mode Out:  to "in no s/s" (no start and stop):  Receives MIDI Clock but does not respond to MIDI Start or Stop command.

Thank you!

Still weird that you can't delete a sequence, but this gets me out of my fix.
Am now able to play synth from Cubase, without sequence, but still able to sync arp.

Nice one!  ;D


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Re: How To: Clear / Delete Sequence From A Take 5 Patch?
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2022, 06:08:51 AM »
In No S/S works great for me.  I've never felt the need to delete a sequence.

That said, if you really had to, could you just record a sequence with one rest?

Re: How To: Clear / Delete Sequence From A Take 5 Patch?
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2024, 12:14:12 PM »
You can delete a sequence by filling it with rests. Hit record on the Step Seq. The screen displays the current step. Rest insert is on the bottom left softkey. Hit that repeatedly to insert rests on every step.


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Re: How To: Clear / Delete Sequence From A Take 5 Patch?
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2024, 04:17:13 PM »
You can delete a sequence by filling it with rests. Hit record on the Step Seq. The screen displays the current step. Rest insert is on the bottom left softkey. Hit that repeatedly to insert rests on every step.
I think you only need to insert one rest.  When you record a new sequence, it replaces the old.