Just sent the following request to Sequential:
was just thinking about this this morning and wondered if it’d be possible to make a small extension to split/stack capability to add a third option of “dual” (or “stack 2”).
In this mode, the user would be able to toggle between layer A and Layer B; only the selected layer would sound and would be mapped to the entire keyboard.
I’d envisage setting this to be done much like the current split/stack feature by holding “preset” and pressing the “increment” button until the option is reached.
Toggling between the layers would then be fine exactly as it is now for split/stack editing - i.e. by pressing “preset” - the only difference being that only the currently-selected layer will be audible.
Volume balance between the two layers would remain as it is.
As for the dot indicator, it would need to be differentiated from the always-on and blinking of the two current modes. I’d suggest using either a double-blink or a fast blink to indicate this third option.
As always, I know there’s no promise that these suggestions will make it into the synth, but I thought it’d be worth asking, especially as it should fit into the current implementation fairly easily.