Somebody this this kid some funding and a support team... ASAP!
The race is on to see whether Oberquential can produce their OB-X8 desktop before this thing is released in 2043! (Although Shear has a bit of a headstart having first demo'd theirs in 2013).
I think the design looks pretty cool.. feature-wise seems like an Xpander almost. But $6500? Yoiks.
There's a part of me that keeps my expectations on these things in reality check mode, and my instincts say to not hold my breath on an actual release of this product, ever. Some people enjoy the sales and marketing aspect of product announcements, and find a career niche creating excitement around what might be.
While youthful enthusiasm will afford a longer lease on patience among most audiences, at some point the rubber has to meet the road and of course youth expires quickly, and folks will start to turn their back on products that are stuck in analysis paralysis. Zoomers are well-known for their interesting ambitions, but at the moment Boomers and GenXers are still making the best instruments.