I don't use Live, so this isn't on the table for me, but it's interesting to think about. At the moment, I'm in "learning mode" and I'm not that interested in recording, but I'm putting a bit of thought into my future modular integration workflow.
For example, I've got 6HP of space earmarked for a MIDI-to-CV module, but I'm not really sure I'm going to need one. The Little Phatty does a great job for MIDI Notes-to-CV. I don't really need clock, because I can just send gate CV to my sequencer in the form of sixteenth notes (or whatever). The only compelling reason I have for wanting a MIDI-to-CV module in my eurosynth is to use MIDI velocity.
That's what makes this sort of project interesting. If a DAW could send and receive CV directly, then the need for MIDI (as part of my eurosynth) disappears completely, and I could use that space for (say) another envelope generator.