Has anyone experienced monitoring issues and errant notes being recorded with MIDI Arp Notes on while connected to a DAW?
With some head scratching I finally got the OB-X8 connected to my Mac running Studio One (both on the latest versions) and I'm able to send/receive midi. But two things still have me head scratching (as is usually the case in my experience when hooking up a new machine to my studio):
1. The sound I get out of the synth when recording is not what I get when playing the synth stand-alone using the internal clock. It sounds like I am only getting a portion of the notes. I thought this might be a midi loop issue, but was not able to resolve it based on the suggestions in the FAQ.
2. When I record an arpeggio I am getting a lot of notes captured in the DAW that I do not hear when playing in stand-alone mode. I have been seeing a lot of very high register notes appear in the recorded sequence that aren't there when playing.
I am guessing I just haven't hit on the right combination of settings to get things working smoothly, but any feedback or assistance would be welcome before I scratch my head bloody then create a support ticket.