Hi there
For me cool features would be :
- when you make an init patch I will love to choose which synth i want (and not go to page 2 to select ob8 or obx envelop)
I mean, you will be able to choose ob8 and it will apply the envelop and the filter type
Or if you want obx mode,
Example : init patch ——> obx mode / ob8 mode (include filter and envelop type)
- pan spread with 0-100%
- choose to retrigger envelop or not in poly mode (like a digital synth…. I know it’s not obxishhh but it’s an obx8 2022)
- full volume press once // half volume oscillator by pressing two time the oscillator section
- random detuning oscillator only (not like the vintage knob because it affect filter and envelop too)
- it would be super cool to choose in the vintage mode different taste like :
Vintage mode page 2 —->
1) affect only oscillator
2) oscillator + filter
3) oscillator + filter + envelop
4) filter only
5) filter + envelop
6) envelop
- adjust the vintage mode like : soft / medium / hard
- no need to go to the page 2 for select all the filter but press only the button (someone already wrote it
- more arpegiator mode (forward/reverse) etc
Bugs section :
- I have some trouble with ob8 envelop
- when I change the mod one time the osc2 go up without any cause