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Tempest OS: 1.4.0
I tried assessing SPP behavior with Logic Pro 9, but Tempest's playlist didn't correspond with Logic's timeline either. (In Logic, I checked "allow to send SPP while playing" in the midi clock section of Midi Sync Preferences.)
I tried to play around some more to see if I could detect patterns. In Tempest, I took a Demo Project, and made all 16 beats in the playlist 4 measures long. In Pro Tools (& Logic), I put markers every 4 measures, numbered accordingly to the beats.
What works:
If I play from the DAW's measure 1, beat 1 (the beginning of the song), then, the Tempest playlist plays through the beats as expected. I.e., beat 2 begins at measure 5, beat 3 begins at measure 9, etc….
However, if I press stop on the DAW transport, and then I place the DAW locator at the start of what would be the 1st measure of a new Tempest beat (other than beat 1), the expected beat does not play. I also tried placing the DAW locator 2 measures before a new beat is supposed to trigger to allow some room to "find itself".
What was peculiar is:
After stopping the DAW transport from random places, if I placed the DAW locator at measure 3, a bunch of the times, the expected results would occur. Tempest Beat 2 would begin at measure 5. I can't recall if this was consistently reliable, or just more often than not.
Here's the other peculiar, reoccurring thing:
Often, when I placed the DAW transport 2 measures prior to what would correspond to a beat higher up in the playlist, such as beats 5-15, when the DAW transport got to the position that would be the new upcoming beat, Tempest would begin Beat 2 there.
Obviously, I should look into updating my Tempest OS to the most current one. I assume it should be the most current Beta that's being assessed. But, something tells me that's not going to make a difference, as according to the forums, SPP matters were addressed earlier on.
I think the next troubleshooting step to take is to use a MIDI interface other than the Digidesign 003 I've been using.
Help is surely appreciated.