More than likely one of the previous owners purchased some sound banks.
I mentioned that in a less-polite version of my OP using
magpie as a verb. That's just not what I was expecting from a self-proclaimed librarian who claimed he tried to like the Pro 2 and was supposedly overwhelmed. His purchase date, which I gleaned from seller feedback, told me he managed to buy the very Pro 2 that I'd been trying to buy in June and that cost $1,100. I'd had it in my cart but deliberated too long.
I just don't like it when people lie. I don't do that when I'm selling gear because there's too much Machiavellian selfishness in the world.
Is the Dump All Banks option not sending the data to MIDIOX? You might want to look into an editor like Soundtower or CodeKnobs for a slightly more elegant method.
The issue is probably that I hadn't noticed the Pro 2 requires a MIDI B connection, which meant I didn't bring that sort of cord to my girlfriend's place, where the Pro 2 was delivered. So I tried to establish a connection using a MIDI-to-USB cable that works with my norns and a WIDI Bud Pro and WIDI Jack, both of which work with my Keystep 37. One thing I noticed was that the Pro 2 doesn't power WIDI cables -- the Arturia does, as does my NI Keyboard at my place -- so I plugged the Jack into a power strip. I can see that the WIDI connection is working, but the Pro 2 isn't sending MIDI notes to Reaper.
Bank-dump SysEx messages are going to be too much for the Bud Pro, which would cut off such an attempt, but I should at least be able to use the Pro 2 as a controller. Setting the globals to default made my sustain pedal work. Perhaps setting everything to factory default will change the MIDI outcome once I can dump the sound banks.
If I have to use a USB cable to connect with a Windows laptop running Reaper when I'm at my girlfriend's place, that will be OK. But I'm having trouble understanding why my Keystep connected easily via bluetooth MIDI and my Pro 2 hasn't worked that way so far.
Pro 2 is a great synth btw.. I prefer it to the sound of the Pro3.. I think I saw the one you're refering to on Reverb and it looked like it was in great shape.
I'm an older studio keyboardist who has played on a lot of albums over the years but took a break to be an editor. My first synth in middle school was a Prophet 5, and I also own a Prophet VS module and a Prophet 10 module. The experimental routing possibilities with the Pro 2, and its apparent usefulness as a slightly twisted controller (judging from the I/O) are huge reasons I decided to pick one up. I haven't been disappointed by the sound. I just have to be able to get it to work as a controller, slave it to my various DAWs and back up the sounds it contains so I can do things like restore the default settings to see whether that solves some issues.