Lately I've turned in the rackmount direction in effects, as with the Lexicon, which I do like. The format tidies up the set up wonderfully, and that's what I'm trying to do - simplify and eliminate all unnecessary junk. But I'm willing to make one exception to this in the case of a possible future mono synth, in order to build one instrument that's especially rich sounding for melody playing.
Of the pedal-type effects that I've actually used at home, the Electro-Harmonix pedals have sounded the best to my ear. I had the Cathedral Stereo Reverb, Poly Chorus, and Poly Phase, each of which sounded warm and organic. I haven't yet tried the Memory Man, but I've listened to many demonstrations of it and - you're right - it does sound excellent. So, too, does the Eventide, which obviously is a top-of-the-line pedal...with a top-of-the-line price tag!
I guess it's back to researching delays, since the Boss doesn't seem to be the right one; to me, it screams "Electronic device!". For now, the Lexicon MX200 and MX300 are again on the top of my list, but I'll consider the EH or any other delay that folks recommend. The characteristics I'm after are relative simplicity of design (I don't need or want a thousand options) and a warm natural, rather than excessively electronic-sounding, echo.