I'm having a few struggles with the OB-6, PlugSE and Ableton Live:
I set up PlugSE on track 1, and I created another MIDI track that receives MIDI from PlugSE and sends MIDI to PlugSE. To record, I arm this second track.
When I record a MIDI clip by playing on the OB-6, I can see that the automation of the pitch bend, mod wheel and sustain pedal have been recorded. But with the OB-6's Local Control off, none of these controls have any effect on the sound of the OB-6. And when I play back the clip, again none of these recorded automations have any effect on the OB-6. It's just the notes playing back, with no pitch bend, mod wheel or sustain pedal.
If I record automation by twiddling knobs on the OB-6, I can see the knobs in PlugSE turning as I record, and it does affect the sound of the OB-6 while I'm playing. But again when I play the clip back the automation has no effect on the OB-6.
I have played around with arming the track containing PlugSE and recording the automation there instead, but I cannot seem to get the automation played back to the OB-6 no matter what I do. I can add an LFO device in Live and make it twiddle the knobs of PlugSE, and this does have an effect on the OB-6, but I can't seem to play back automation that I have recorded manually.
Can anyone help? I feel like I must be misunderstanding something fundamental.