Where can I find the BIOS files for Prophet X?

Where can I find the BIOS files for Prophet X?
« on: June 25, 2022, 03:01:16 AM »
So I'm having the freezing issue on my PX. I was told that I should update to the latest OS. I'm on, but since my PX won't boot up I can't update to I was told I can manually adjust the power supply to 5.2V, so that is what I did. But the PX still freezes.

I was given a pdf on how to update the BIOS, but the pdf doesn't mention where to find the BIOS files. The instructions state: "Copy the four files in the P1.80Y folder (AFUDOS.EXE, APOITX1.80Y, AUTOEXEC.BAT, SQT80Y.BAT) onto the USB flash drive". Anyone know where I can find these files?

Re: Where can I find the BIOS files for Prophet X?
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2022, 03:30:52 AM »
Support should have attached those files in the email you received about updating the BIOS.

Did you tried connect a pc keyboard to the PX usb and press F1 multiples times while it's trying to boot until the error screen appears, then reboot?


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Re: Where can I find the BIOS files for Prophet X?
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2022, 09:25:27 AM »
Hi rids,

As rcmusic35 said, please follow up with support for the files and next steps. These procedures should only be done when guided by the support staff and the files should always come directly from Sequential support. Cheers!
Sequential | Oberheim