
Which of the following you would like to see implemented in a future OS update of the Prophet 5/10?

Vintage Knob 3.0 that affects VCOs, VCFs, VCAs and envelopes times independently
12 (16.4%)
A second LFO implemented in software
7 (9.6%)
An option to make the VCF envelope loopable
0 (0%)
Negative amount for the VCF envelope
9 (12.3%)
An option to choose among Linear/Exponential/Logarithmic envelopes
7 (9.6%)
More legato modes
11 (15.1%)
Something else (please specify)
27 (37%)

Total Members Voted: 73

Which of the following you would like to see implemented in a future OS update o

Would love to see the ability to slow OSC 2 in Low Mode. It just doesnt go slow enough for nice long filter / PWM sweeps.

Dont know if this has been mentioned before but the ability to unlock the oscillators semitone lock would add a vast array of different timbres to the Rev4.

Voted something else:
 - 2nd LFO AND reverse saw shape in the first at least
 - AT fix at cutoff
 - hold functionality

I only want an onboard reverse sawtooth LFO. I think adding too many features would take away from the appeal of the simplicity of this synth. Any other modulation I can do via MIDI if I wanted to.


Don't own a p5 or p10 yet but I would like to see a secondary LFO in software that at least just does vibrato leaving the main LFO open for something more interesting. Being able to select the modwheel for filter sweeps would also be great. Just those two simple features would make the synth pretty much complete for me.

Oh and transpose octave up/down should be a must add as well.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2022, 11:41:25 AM by louis »


Also proper nrpn implementation would be nice…


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Don't own a p5 or p10 yet but I would like to see a secondary LFO in software that at least just does vibrato leaving the main LFO open for something more interesting. Being able to select the modwheel for filter sweeps would also be great. Just those two simple features would make the synth pretty much complete for me.

Oh and transpose octave up/down should be a must add as well.

Octave up/down would be nice, I do miss it at times.  Don't forget that the oscillators are so full on the P5/10, that you can easily sacrifice the second oscillator to use in LFO mode, and still have a great sound.  Endless great tunes created on single oscillator Junos can't be wrong..  plus if the single osc isn't enough, put it in polyunison-2 mode and detune if you have a P10.
Prophet 10, OB-X8m, Prophet 6, OB-6, 3rd Wave, Prophet 12m, Prophet Rev2-16, Toraiz AS-1, Pro 2, Korg Polysix, Roland JP-8080, Roland System-8, Virus TI2, Moog SlimPhatty, Hydrasynth desktop, Roland SPD-SX SE / Octapad, Maschine, Cubase/Ableton/Akai MPC


Got the synth! It sure is beautiful. I'll add that separate midi channels for splits/stacks would be great. Also maybe it's not the best idea to use the volume knob for adjusting volume between splits and stacks.

One thing that’s be a nice option would be to allow the user to adjust the percentage the pitch-wheel(aftertouch) affects the LFO destinations.

For instance, individually the we could select 50% of the pulse width A, and say 30% for pitch A, then 70% for filter etc.

By holding the buttons we can adjust individually, between 0-127, for each mod wheel destination. 

Perhaps this could even be applied to the Polymod destinations as well.

Thanks :)
« Last Edit: March 22, 2023, 10:05:10 PM by BigJRillah »


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My pet feature would be that button states be saved in panel (Preset off) mode.

When Globals is pressed three times, it saves the startup preset. But when Globals is pressed three times when Preset is off, it would instead save the states of the buttons on the panel (including the state of the Preset button itself), so when you cycle power, the Prophet starts back up where you left off.
Prophet 5 Rev 4 #2711

MPC One+ ∙ MuseScore 4



My pet feature would be that button states be saved in panel (Preset off) mode.

When Globals is pressed three times, it saves the startup preset. But when Globals is pressed three times when Preset is off, it would instead save the states of the buttons on the panel (including the state of the Preset button itself), so when you cycle power, the Prophet starts back up where you left off.

Sounds good, please email support with that suggestion.

Many great ideas in this thread. I particularly would welcome the option to invert the filter envelope.

In addition I like to suggest to maybe revise the filter and amp envelope velocity depth parameters slightly. Currently, if I’m not mistaken, the max possible envelope depth is scaled down by the velocity depth parameter. As a result the sound of any given preset is getting duller and quieter when lowering the vel depth parameter. An alternative implementation found in many synth is to raise the minimum env depth for vel = 1 (instead of lowering the maximum env depth for vel = 127 as I think is currently implemented).

The suggested approach lowers the envelope responds to velocity by the same amount as the current implementation but with the added benefit that overall the volume and cutoff stays closer to the programmed values i.e. the sound you get when velocity is turned off.

What do you think?
« Last Edit: March 29, 2023, 05:04:01 PM by Starkstrom »

Many great ideas in this thread. I particularly would welcome the option to invert the filter envelope.

In addition I like to suggest to maybe revise the filter and amp envelope velocity depth parameters slightly. Currently, if I’m not mistaken, the max possible envelope depth is scaled down by the velocity depth parameter. As a result the sound of any given preset is getting duller and quieter when lowering the vel depth parameter. An alternative implementation found in many synth is to raise the minimum env depth for vel = 1 (instead of lowering the maximum env depth for vel = 127 as I think is currently implemented).

The suggested approach lowers the envelope responds to velocity by the same amount as the current implementation but with the added benefit that overall the volume and cutoff stays closer to the programmed values i.e. the sound you get when velocity is turned off.

What do you think?
I already submitted a detailed request for this very thing as I agree with you. Here is what I sent:


this point is aimed primarily at the Prophet 10 but applies to other devices too.

It probably comes down to a question of design philosophy but for me the velocity-to-envelope-depth control seems backwards. When setting up a patch, I’d want the sound made when the velocity button is on and a key is struck at maximum velocity to always be exactly the same as the sound made when when the velocity button is turned off. So maximum velocity from the keys should always trigger the depth set by the envelope depth knob, irrespective of the velocity-to-envelope-depth value set. The velocity-to-envelope-depth value, I feel, should simply scale the depth achieved by the lowest velocity. So a value of 0 velocity-to-envelope-depth should sound exactly the same as when the velocity button is simply turned off, i.e. no velocity scaling is being applied.

Implemented as above makes sound design easier as one can program the sound without velocity first and then, when adding it, only one variable is being altered as the depth value is set, namely what depth the lowest velocity produces; maximum velocity will always achieve whatever was initially programmed. As soon as the velocity switch is turned on and a depth of anything other than maximum is set, the originally programmed sound is unobtainable without having to adjust the envelope depth knob to compensate. This obviously causes difficulty if a desired sound already has the envelope depth knob at or near maximum before the velocity switch was enabled.

Furthermore, from a sound design point of view, one may also not always want for the lowest velocity to produce zero envelope depth. Your current implementation unfortunately does not allow for the lowest velocity to produce a non-zero envelope depth when the velocity switch is engaged.

(For reference, my suggestion is how velocity-to-envelope-depth is implemented on synths such as the Moog Subsequent 37.)

Please would you consider changing the implementation as suggested to allow for better control over what happens at the lower velocity values. I realise that there may be some reluctance as it may cause already-programmed patches to sound different. In which case, much as you did with the addition of vintage mode for P6 and OB-6, perhaps you could make the new behaviour be a globally selectable option so that current patch behaviour could be preserved, if desired.

Thanks and best wishes,


Hi Brian,

thanks for your reply.

For the prophet 10, I understand the interface constraints. What I suggested wouldn’t really require anything more than is currently implemented when setting the value - as is the case now, one would simply hold down the the velocity button and use the +/- buttons to set the value between 0 and 127. What I’m asking for is a change to the mathematical operation that determines the envelope depth when it is controlled by velocity. Currently the velocity depth setting determines what maximum envelope depth is at maximum velocity and always maps low velocity to minimal envelope depth. I’m asking for it to be changed so that maximum velocity is always mapped to the amount set by the envelope depth knob and that the velocity depth control instead controls what the minimum envelope depth is at low velocity values. So with velocity depth at 0, envelope depth at minimum velocity would be the value set by the envelope depth knob. With velocity depth at 127, minimum velocity would equate to envelope depth of 0.

Basically, the velocity setting currently alters the maximum envelope depth value achieveable, minimum is always zero. Instead I’d like it so maximum value achievable is always fixed at the value set by the envelope depth knob, and the velocity setting should choose what the minimum velocity value achievable is.

The only interface addition would be in the globals menu (page 3, where there are at least 5 unused slots) to choose between the current implementation and my suggested implementation.

Yes, much easier with a screen on Pro 3.

Best wishes,

Sample and Hold please
Sequential P6; SCI Pro-One; Moog Minimoog Model D

I would like to see MPE support if possible :)