The "bad" are fixable: Selecting multiparts (2,3, or 4) so as to edit all parts simultaneously is difficult. Maybe its just the desktop, but I have a hard time getting 2 or more to flash in unison. I'm hoping a OS fix will address this. There a couple of small bugs which again, I assume OS updates will fix. If you are working on a patch and making edits to it, its hard to go back to patch same number to save it w/o reverting back to the program screen, which then defaults you back to default patch. This is a workflow problem that should be fixed. Sequencer selection for multi parts is a little odd. Already talked to their support crew and they recognized that and plan on updating it.
The good: Customer service for the questions I had has been fantastic and quick. I love the waveform import to hardware made so easy. Already have cymbal and banjo sounds imported
The quality of sound is superior grade, I think it takes the cake to be honest. Right there with UDOs6 for like binural type sound if you wish to set it multiparts panned L/R. The analog waves with some drift set can get you into OB6 realm. I'm a little slow on picking up on the 2 filter types filters in being series order, would rather had a parallel option like on Pro2. Sequencer can do real-time recording which -alleluia!
As for a side by side, and your P12 example, I really haven't tried that yet. The P12 can make so many wave forms from mutating the few that are onboard. I always liked how the P12 how it could go really deep on the lower notes. This seems to have a bottomless pit for low notes still being discernable. But to me the 3rd wave just a different beast for a different purpose. The only instrument I'm replacing due to this purchase is the Summit, which was nice, but redundant, and really offered nothing sonically unique to what I already had. Though, I will miss the tunable scales. I had several that I liked having in there Baroque/African/Chinese. Anyway...whereas my other DSI stuff (and other makes as well) each offer a unique tone or ability to the synth lineup I use. Speaking of comparisons, the first thing I thought of when I flicked on the 3rd wave and started messing around was that I was able to get into that PEK territory more than anything else I've owned. I hope to do a youtube soon.