Modulators section


Modulators section
« on: May 23, 2022, 12:54:40 AM »
Hi everyone, I don´t quite understand this feature, it´s simple if you choose Mod wheel as a modulation source and for example low pass filter as destination. In that case, you´ll modulate the sound while you move the wheel depending on Mod amount  but.. what about if you choose LFO 1 as modulation source and  low pass your destination? How can I modulate now the sound?


Re: Modulators section
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2022, 01:41:21 AM »
Moin Gerne,

if You deal with synthesizing (sounds) in general, You will learn that "modulation" is a lot more than using e.g. mod-wheel, aftertouch, key velocity or even knobs:
Modulation is every change in any paramater, be it controlled manually or automatically.
The modulation destination is where the modulating signal will have an impact on, the modulation source is the signal controling this impact.
You may even modulate a modulation source and probably are accustomed to do so: Think of the simplest possible vibrato controlled by mod-wheel: The sinewave modulating the oscillator frequency is modulated by the wheel in order to influence (=modulate!) frequency and/or amplitude of the modulating sinewave.

The (analogue) synthesizer philosophy introduced especially by Robert Moog was and still is based on voltage control: Each and every signal, be it for audio or control purpose, is technically represented/controlled by an electric voltage.
You may even use an oscillator normally used for audio for moduation purposes also (even vice versa). This is however not really possible with P08, but quite normal e.g. for users of MINI-Moog, orignal Prophet 5 and alikes.

Modular synthesizers use patch-cables to route audio- as well as control voltages from any outputs to any inputs, enabling very complex and flexible routings. P08 tries to mimick this by its modulation matrix, which may be seen as a set of virtual patch cables. Not quite as flexible as patch cables, but no "spider webs" and - a great advantage: even programmable!

Try to learn about the theory of synthesizers. Maybe this will take some effort, but it will definitely reward You with discovery of a whole new world of sonical possibilities besides factory patches and radio-mainstream!




Re: Modulators section
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2022, 11:33:26 PM »
Thanks  for your detailed explanation Martin, I appreciate it. I´ve playing in rock and metal music bands all my life and now I´m with my own personal project, I swear I´m studying a lot of synths theory although I´m still a beginner, not interested in factory pacthes or radio mainstream, just my own sound, you can be sure of that :) The question was about that specific section of Prophet 08 and how can I deal it. I miss a more detailed manual of this synth or quality videos with good explanatios. If you know some of these  I´ll be thankful. Kind regards!

Re: Modulators section
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2022, 01:45:49 AM »
Moin Gerne,

IMHO there are two "ways to wisdom" regarding P08-programming. Maybe You will not follow one exclusively, but use both of them to a certain amount:
  • top-down: Scan through the factory presets, use one that You like and try to understand how it was achieved, then try something similar
  • bottom-up: Read the "Synth secrets" articles by Gordon Reid of Sound on Sound (, then start with "Basic Program" and try to follow his tips. Don't fear his use of certain synthesizers: Just try to use the same parameters until you come to a more or less close fit
Regarding P08 modulation matrix start to think of 4 different "lines" that may be controlled by any of the "sources" (page 38 of P08 user manual) and have an impact on any of the "destinations" (pages 36, 37). There are more complex possibilities like multiple sources/destinations or modulation of modulation(s), but these will be quite obvious after You understood the basics.

« Last Edit: May 24, 2022, 01:53:52 AM by MartinM »


Re: Modulators section
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2022, 11:22:28 PM »
Great Martin! thanks a lot! :)