Dear all,
I'm lucky enough to have an OB-6 that I've always played with headphones (DT 700 PRO X impedance of 48 ohms). Recently, I want to add the sound of my OB-6 to my productions. I realized that the output volume is very low. I have been struggling for a few days to find the best possible configuration. I have an RME UCX 2.
I have read the OB-6 manual and it is well indicated that the final volume is given by the mix of the oscillators, the VCA and the master (which is obviously not linear). The problem is that to reach a correct volume, the synth saturates...
I hope I've been precise enough. Do you have any recommendations?
Commenting here as a Pro3 owner.
...Holy crap, the Fg Pro3 headphone output is INSANELY loud!
(Please take your headphones off before turning it on or off!!)
I don't understand why, but... yea...
Maybe use your headphone out put with pre-amp or something?!
(No! Don't! You'll blow something out!)
Anyway, yea, I'm not an engineer but yes, the headphone outputs are very loud.
(Maybe that's a good thing? - How's the s/n ratio?)