What's up with the Pan control?

What's up with the Pan control?
« on: July 21, 2016, 01:57:18 PM »
I don't get what the Pan modulation destination is supposed to do.  One would think that assigning an LFO to Pan would hard pan the signal from left to right output.

That's not what's happening on my Pro 2.  Testing with one oscillator, an LFO square wave assigned to Pan at full modulation, it seems to maintain the voice in both outs, and only "pops" one side of the stereo signal in and out on one channel.

Am I missing something?

Re: What's up with the Pan control?
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2016, 02:32:29 PM »
The LFO square wave in the Pro 2 is unipolar, which is why if you modulate Pan with the square wave, you will hear the modulation between hard left and center with an amount of -127 and between hard right and center with an amount of 127.

Try using the triangle wave, which is bipolar, for Pan modulation. The Random wave is also bipolar.

Re: What's up with the Pan control?
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2016, 03:07:58 AM »
How about adding DC offset with unipolar square LFO wave as the mod source, to make it bipolar?
prophet 12, PRO2, mono evolver KB, Hikari Duo, Cobalt5S, Hydrasynth Explorer, microFreak, 0-Coast, 0-CTRL, ensoniq VFX-SD, Roland V-Synth, SH-4d, JD-XA, TB-3, A-50, Yamaha DX7, CASIO CZ-101, KORG 800DV, DW-8000, wavestate, kaossilator 2, volca nubass/modular, SQ-1, novation MiniNova, iOS/Mac apps

Re: What's up with the Pan control?
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2016, 12:41:30 PM »
I agree, an offset would be VERY helpful. Also with bipolar wave shapes, you will not get a hard pan result. I highly recommend to either add a gain factor, extend the intensity value above 127 or change the result of 127 that it makes hard pans for a next software release. Currently, I think, the only solution is to uses 3+ entries in the modulation matrix with the same LFO modifying pan with intensity value 127 to have a hard pan with bipolar LFO wave shapes.

Re: What's up with the Pan control?
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2016, 04:56:03 PM »
How about adding DC offset with unipolar square LFO wave as the mod source, to make it bipolar?

I succeeded in making hard pan left and right out of unipolar Square wave LFO  :D

I had time today so I made some experiments with my PRO2.
From a default Basic Program, I set the LFO1 to Square wave but mod amount as zero. Then I went to the mod matrix, made three entries with the same LFO1 modulating the Pan with amount of 127 to make hard pan, then added DC offset to modulate Pan with -127. This allows hard left and right pan as smerny originally wanted I guess  :)
Please refer to the photos of the screen settings that I took. Note that these photos can only be seen by logging in, otherwise they'll be hidden.

Too bad you have to consume multiple entries with the same mod source in the mod matrix to get hard results though. Hope this will be rectified with future updates.

Anyway, howz dis??
« Last Edit: August 10, 2016, 06:04:37 PM by NemoSynth »
prophet 12, PRO2, mono evolver KB, Hikari Duo, Cobalt5S, Hydrasynth Explorer, microFreak, 0-Coast, 0-CTRL, ensoniq VFX-SD, Roland V-Synth, SH-4d, JD-XA, TB-3, A-50, Yamaha DX7, CASIO CZ-101, KORG 800DV, DW-8000, wavestate, kaossilator 2, volca nubass/modular, SQ-1, novation MiniNova, iOS/Mac apps

Re: What's up with the Pan control?
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2016, 12:21:56 PM »
Thanks for getting so far with it!  I really was just trying to figure out the Pan control.  This helps a lot.

Re: What's up with the Pan control?
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2016, 03:02:12 PM »
"Hope this will be rectified with future updates."  ;)

Re: What's up with the Pan control?
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2016, 02:27:43 AM »
"Hope this will be rectified with future updates."  ;)

Did I say anything wrong??
I'm not a native English language speaker. Sorry if I made any mistakes on this.
prophet 12, PRO2, mono evolver KB, Hikari Duo, Cobalt5S, Hydrasynth Explorer, microFreak, 0-Coast, 0-CTRL, ensoniq VFX-SD, Roland V-Synth, SH-4d, JD-XA, TB-3, A-50, Yamaha DX7, CASIO CZ-101, KORG 800DV, DW-8000, wavestate, kaossilator 2, volca nubass/modular, SQ-1, novation MiniNova, iOS/Mac apps

Re: What's up with the Pan control?
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2016, 05:08:59 AM »
"Hope this will be rectified with future updates."  ;)

Did I say anything wrong??
I'm not a native English language speaker. Sorry if I made any mistakes on this.

Your English is fine, it makes perfect sense. :)