I like the new look. The previous color scheme for the topic screen was dark text on a dark background, which made me really squint to see the topic titles. The higher contrast is welcome for us with old eyes.
Also, welcome Oberheim!
Ahhh!!! No!
I choose dark mode ALL of the time!
This hurts my eyes! Gah!
Please allow for dark mode!!
Also, welcome Oberheim!
[edit: I have an old theory/opinion about light vs dark background...
Anything reflective, like paper, should be light/white bkground... anything light-based, like a monitor, or a movie screen (though reflective [but, VERY reflective!]), should "Fade to Black", and be based on a black background.]
Anyway, all of my monitors are turned down and set to dark-mode.
So... this includes the new background image which has FAR too much full-bright/white values!
...Get out of my eyes!
- I know this is a matter of opinion, but with any modern interface we should be able to choose between light and dark BkG.