Keyboard octave transpose functionality on Prophet-10 rev4

Keyboard octave transpose functionality on Prophet-10 rev4
« on: April 05, 2022, 02:55:44 PM »

The P10 does not offer any functionality to transpose the keyboard in octave steps.
The problem with that is, that is possible to create patches where the "good sounding spot" lies outside the Keyboard range (e.g. the upper 2 Octaves are too high, but at the lower end it would make sense to have 2 additional octaves), but is not possible to shift the Keyboard Range down.

One could think, that this can be achieved by tuning the oscillators and the filters down, but for a lot of patches the sound will change a little bit (especially for the filter), or it is simply not possible, because the patch uses Poly-Mod and it is not possible (or takes very long) to find the same patch just lower.

Is that likely that such a feature will be added ?



Re: Keyboard octave transpose functionality on Prophet-10 rev4
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2022, 12:36:53 AM »

The P10 does not offer any functionality to transpose the keyboard in octave steps.
The problem with that is, that is possible to create patches where the "good sounding spot" lies outside the Keyboard range (e.g. the upper 2 Octaves are too high, but at the lower end it would make sense to have 2 additional octaves), but is not possible to shift the Keyboard Range down.

One could think, that this can be achieved by tuning the oscillators and the filters down, but for a lot of patches the sound will change a little bit (especially for the filter), or it is simply not possible, because the patch uses Poly-Mod and it is not possible (or takes very long) to find the same patch just lower.

Is that likely that such a feature will be added ?

This would be great.
It should be possible to realise, maybe in a way like changing the pitchwheel-steps.
Since the last, really great options like storing the volume, split/layer and the fantastic poly-unisono the option to transpose (in the best case with dots in the display to see, where the keys are...) would be the only function for me, to complete this synthesizer!


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Re: Keyboard octave transpose functionality on Prophet-10 rev4
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2022, 01:58:55 AM »
In terms of adding this feature to the key versions of P5/10, probably the best experience you could expect would be to overload (eg press twice)  button number 1 for the global transpose setting:

* select global setting 1 for semitone transpose;
* press 1 once again to access octave transpose;
* you would then select the octave shift value, with 0 being the default octave and with a possible integer value extent of -2/-3 and +2/+3.

Re: Keyboard octave transpose functionality on Prophet-10 rev4
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2023, 02:57:01 PM »
While I really kinda hated having only 4 octaves on my Prophet 6 Keyboard. I think I hate not being able to shift octaves only slightly less. It makes me yearn for the Prophet 10 left hand controllers of old. They had upper and lower voice octave shifts right there by the mod wheel.

I would really like it if we could get it by HOLD-Factory Inc+/Dec-
Or even better HOLD-Factory Press a key on the keyboard to get good old transposition. +/- 24 notes in either direction.