Over the last couple of years or so, my Poly Evolver Keyboard had developed a few problems. These included intermittent blinking lights, an octave transpose button that, when pressed, would trigger an LFO, and an LFO Amount knob that, when turned, would immediately jump to 100. These were especially of concern because I've been trying to get myself to sell the keyboard and rack units.
Anyway, I contacted Sequential with fear and trembling that my instrument was just getting old. But Gabby advised me to open the instrument and carefully disconnect the ribbon and jumper cables. And now the old girl is working perfectly again.
I wanted to pass on this simple advice to any other PEK owners whose instruments might also have developed these or similar problems. Maybe it was slightly loose cables, or even dust, which I removed. But it was a much easier fix than I had expected, and now it works like the day I bought it.
As always, Sequential's service was top notch - punctual, friendly, and correct. But in order to do the simple procedure, I had to bring the PEK upstairs and put it on the dinner table. The light was shining on it and...and...egads, she was beautiful in her blue dress! How will I ever sell this instrument? It's easily the most attractive synthesizer I've ever owned.