Hey, yesterday my take 5 was working fine... I plugged in my USB cable and it froze. No sound was being made and none of the controls worked. I powered off and back on the synth and now it's stuck on the opening home page that says "take 5".
Nothing on the synth is functioning and the screen will only show the "Take 5" home screen. I'm assuming (per manual) this was caused by midi feedback but as it suggests I can't go into the global settings to fix anything.
I've only had the synth for a month and haven't backed up my presets yet... Is there a way to get past this home screen issue? Or is a hard reboot of the system needed? If so there are also no reboot commands in the manual...
Any help would be greatly appreciated as this has become my go-to synth since I got it for Christmas. Thanks in advance for any help!