OB6 - Aftertouch pression blinking / reseting modules parameters


I can't use the AT on my OB6 module.
Each time I press on AT all the light on the module are blinking ad preset is reset.
I've checked the midi config on live and my keyboard but all is ok with other synth.
Any idea ?
Thanks for your help

Re: OB6 - Aftertouch pression blinking / reseting modules parameters
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2021, 11:56:09 PM »
Also with the mod wheel


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Re: OB6 - Aftertouch pression blinking / reseting modules parameters
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2021, 10:19:19 AM »
What are you using for a controller?  Are you going through a computer/DAW?

Sounds like your controller is sending some sort of midi message when using AT or mod wheel that is confusing your OB-6 somehow, maybe by sending program change messages or something?

Which lights on the module blink when you send AT or mod wheel?

Do you have any other synths or controllers you can try controlling the OB-6 with?