Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports

Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
« Reply #1000 on: October 25, 2019, 04:47:50 AM »
Seems like a hardware issue..Have you contacted support?
Hello - I just got my Tempest (actually my second attempt, first was in 2012), and this thread has been helpful in tracking down known issues.  I have experienced some odd behavior with two of my encoders: the "soft" encoder second from the left above the screen, and the Shape/Sample.  Turning clockwise works as expected, but turning counter-clockwise doesn't respond as expected (compared with other encoders) to turns at moderate speed.

Is this a software or hardware issue?  And if hardware, suggested course of action given I just bought it would be much appreciated!

Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
« Reply #1001 on: October 25, 2019, 04:50:13 AM »
Never bothered working with loop screen myself but are you able to reproduce it with a new project?Are you using the Playlist function?
Another fresh Tempest buyer reporting here. It seems that the previous two fellows did not succeed in getting any help. Neverthleless, I have no better way than to try. I would like to ask, if anybody did encounter similar issue, or if the problem is concerning solely my Tempest. Having scanned through the forum, I did not find any mention of similar issue.

I have came across an objectionable behaviour of the machine while using the Loop Screen feature in the Events Screen. The Loop Screen function sometimes works as it is intended. However, usually while the Loop Screen is enabled, the sound disappears completly. The sequencer still visually seems to work and the machine reacts normally though. After turning the Loop Screen off, the sound returns. The more severe problem which occurs sometimes while I try to loop the screen is that the Tempest freezes totally. Than turning the machine off is the only remedy.

Needless to say, the Loop Screen function is useful for beat programming and to me it seems necessary for using the Tempest to its full potential. I am looking forward to Your reply, cheers!


design or bug?
« Reply #1002 on: November 07, 2019, 10:03:15 PM »
when I try to control the lfo speed ( in sync mode! ) with some modulation ( mod matrix, or slider), then nothing happens..
is this known? can someone reproduce it?
Classical piano drilled.
Jazz disillusioned.

Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
« Reply #1003 on: November 25, 2019, 11:47:04 AM »
New to Tempest...
Frustrated by the playlist live record bug... a big fonction described in the manual !...no way ?

Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
« Reply #1004 on: November 26, 2019, 05:52:39 AM »
If the playlist function is important for you then you can downgrade to the legacy OS found here (https://forum.sequential.com/index.php/topic,586.0.html) at the bottom of the 1st post after you logged in..The bug compromise of this version is this:
"Fixed Bug: sync issues when loading sounds live via the pad menu
PLEASE NOTE: alphabetization of the sound menus in live sound loading removed on as it was causing sync issues during playback.  We looked into alternative fixes which would preserve the menu's ordering, however, we did not have adequate code space to do so."
New to Tempest...
Frustrated by the playlist live record bug... a big fonction described in the manual !...no way ?
« Last Edit: November 26, 2019, 05:55:06 AM by Yorgos Arabatzis »

Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
« Reply #1005 on: December 04, 2019, 03:00:42 PM »
Never bothered working with loop screen myself but are you able to reproduce it with a new project?Are you using the Playlist function?

I was not using the Playlist. The issue was persistent also with a new project, unless it is in 4/4 time signature.
I have contacted with the support and i turned out that is a bug. I have been advised to downgrade the OS in order to solve the problem - unfortunately, it didn't help at all. Therfore, it seems the Tempest is not fully functional in the field of odd time signatures, although being theoretically able to play them.
Unfortunaltely, programming odd time beats was what I had in mind when buying the Tempest.
Such an disappointment… I have immediately happened to like the sound and interface of the Tempest. However, it turned out to be useless to me in order to realise my musical ideas in a  way.
In the end, the Tempest went back to the shop.

Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
« Reply #1006 on: December 04, 2019, 03:53:27 PM »
I wasn’t referring to you about the playlist this was a reply to PMAUDIO..Now that you’ve mention it I recall a bug with loop mode that must be it..Sorry it didn’t worked out for you..As for odd times i must have a project lying around here..
Never bothered working with loop screen myself but are you able to reproduce it with a new project?Are you using the Playlist function?

I was not using the Playlist. The issue was persistent also with a new project, unless it is in 4/4 time signature.
I have contacted with the support and i turned out that is a bug. I have been advised to downgrade the OS in order to solve the problem - unfortunately, it didn't help at all. Therfore, it seems the Tempest is not fully functional in the field of odd time signatures, although being theoretically able to play them.
Unfortunaltely, programming odd time beats was what I had in mind when buying the Tempest.
Such an disappointment… I have immediately happened to like the sound and interface of the Tempest. However, it turned out to be useless to me in order to realise my musical ideas in a  way.
In the end, the Tempest went back to the shop.

Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
« Reply #1007 on: January 23, 2020, 04:49:30 AM »
a single voice occasionally dies.

My sounds are assigned to voices 1,2,6, the rest are not assigned.
Sometimes voice 1,2 or 6 just die, assigning a different voice to the same pad and it's a live a gain.
assigning back that same voice which died - nada.

Is that a known issue?

If yes, is there any workaround to avoid restarting during performance?
I encountered this problem only recently, but it's repeating. do you think it's broken?
I would appreciate any advise!

Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
« Reply #1008 on: January 23, 2020, 05:27:27 AM »
What’s your OS?
First thing you should try is doing a recalibration with all cables unplugged.
Then you should check your voices one by one.There where some users reports about faulty voices..Try these first and if there are issues with your voices you should contact Sequential customer support to troubleshoot your T.More likely they’ll tell you to send it to them for repairs or to send to you the faulty parts to be repaired by an electrician you trust.
Let me know how it goes
a single voice occasionally dies.

My sounds are assigned to voices 1,2,6, the rest are not assigned.
Sometimes voice 1,2 or 6 just die, assigning a different voice to the same pad and it's a live a gain.
assigning back that same voice which died - nada.

Is that a known issue?

If yes, is there any workaround to avoid restarting during performance?
I encountered this problem only recently, but it's repeating. do you think it's broken?
I would appreciate any advise!
« Last Edit: January 23, 2020, 05:36:56 AM by Yorgos Arabatzis »

Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
« Reply #1009 on: February 18, 2020, 12:06:11 PM »
Sorry for disappearing!
My OS version:, Voice version: 1.5.
I recalibrated it as you suggested and now I will be monitoring it's health.


What’s your OS?
First thing you should try is doing a recalibration with all cables unplugged.
Then you should check your voices one by one.There where some users reports about faulty voices..Try these first and if there are issues with your voices you should contact Sequential customer support to troubleshoot your T.More likely they’ll tell you to send it to them for repairs or to send to you the faulty parts to be repaired by an electrician you trust.
Let me know how it goes
a single voice occasionally dies.

My sounds are assigned to voices 1,2,6, the rest are not assigned.
Sometimes voice 1,2 or 6 just die, assigning a different voice to the same pad and it's a live a gain.
assigning back that same voice which died - nada.

Is that a known issue?

If yes, is there any workaround to avoid restarting during performance?
I encountered this problem only recently, but it's repeating. do you think it's broken?
I would appreciate any advise!


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Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
« Reply #1010 on: March 14, 2020, 04:42:21 PM »

Upon exiting record mode and turning off click, the recorded kick gradually became audible again on playback.  As if there was an LFO modulating the amplitude of the sequence at the start.

hello , just to report that it does the same with my new tempest, it does this specially with the default kick kit,
i have bough some kick preset and it does sound consistant , but i must admit that it is not 100% perfect, the guy that sold me the preset told me to use the kick
"For best results, I recommend using the direct output from voice one and panning them left (it will come out as mono)"

i dont understand why it could work better that way , ill try soon i have my mixer

but for be honest, the Tempest sound good but not worth 2000 dollars....lot of functions are missing, there is not even 1 parameter lock for use the filter on 1 pad and use the mute mode (for make simple break)....
i dont know how we can call it a live act machine without this pretty basic function....look like DSI are not using a lot product they build or its total mess

by the way if you know the person that wanted to purchase a DSP license  for 1k dollars , to eventually work some new function like "import sample" etc...ill be happy to contribute

Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
« Reply #1011 on: March 15, 2020, 02:06:53 AM »
No need for going mono to sound smooth and consistent..I use my kicks all the time through the mains..
You should check em here:



Been working for months to find the sweet spot and trust me after so many years as a T veteran everything is a sweet spot on the Tempest!Read the user reviews if you don’t take my word for it.
Tempest is not a machine for the beginner.It needs patience and to understand it’s workflow, strengths and disadvantages.I highly recommend if you haven’t already to read these threads by heart:


Basically it’s more enlightening even that the manual itself..
And yes we all have fought with persistence to make this beauty the best it can be.Tempest wasn’t meant to have many of it’s features that were implemented years after and that was the reason that there wasn’t enough code left.But surely there’s no excuse for not fixing all the remaining bugs which in my opinion was the most important thing above all.

hello , just to report that it does the same with my new tempest, it does this specially with the default kick kit,
i have bough some kick preset and it does sound consistant , but i must admit that it is not 100% perfect, the guy that sold me the preset told me to use the kick
"For best results, I recommend using the direct output from voice one and panning them left (it will come out as mono)"
« Last Edit: March 15, 2020, 02:31:40 AM by Yorgos Arabatzis »

Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
« Reply #1012 on: June 25, 2021, 03:17:35 PM »
Hello ,
I have some issues with this OS when I am using the LOOP SCREEN function .

Actually i am using this feature as a very powerful tool to create remix / reloop/ breaks of my 16 beats .
 Because with this , you can loop a portion of a beat with a lenght set by QUANT ( 1/16 1/32 ….)  , and if  BTQUANT is set to off you can jump immediately to another beats while continuing the same looping length.
 It is very powerful .
 But sometimes for no reason , if I abuse switching for exemple , the tempest freeze ! I am obliged to power off / on the device .

Of course I am pretty sure that this could fixed by an action on the operating system . I know that it is like a finish one , but maybe you could do an exception to let avoid the tempest to freeze in this kind of situation ? I just hope this so much . Thank for your feedback .

Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
« Reply #1013 on: June 26, 2021, 07:59:31 AM »
Hello ,
I have some issues with this OS when I am using the LOOP SCREEN function .

Actually i am using this feature as a very powerful tool to create remix / reloop/ breaks of my 16 beats .
 Because with this , you can loop a portion of a beat with a lenght set by QUANT ( 1/16 1/32 ….)  , and if  BTQUANT is set to off you can jump immediately to another beats while continuing the same looping length.
 It is very powerful .
 But sometimes for no reason , if I abuse switching for exemple , the tempest freeze ! I am obliged to power off / on the device .

Of course I am pretty sure that this could fixed by an action on the operating system . I know that it is like a finish one , but maybe you could do an exception to let avoid the tempest to freeze in this kind of situation ? I just hope this so much . Thank for your feedback .
It’s a known bug and i’m afraid it will remain that way..Bummer..

Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
« Reply #1014 on: June 27, 2021, 10:12:52 AM »
Arf , that is very sad ! Because it is a really powerful tool for making remixes , break , find new ideas , for live playing etc …
I will try to use as it is and in order not to freeze the entire electronic set up , I will put the tempest into clock slave mode and if if the freeze , I could restart the unit whereas all the others machines âtre still running . «  système D «  as we say in French  :D


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Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
« Reply #1015 on: June 27, 2021, 11:33:45 PM »
It is what it is, if you want to use something else, go for it.
Linnstrument, Pro 3 SE, Tempest, Prophet 10 & 12, Synclavier Regen, Cirklon 2, Torso T-1, Max/Ableton/Push 3, Kawai MP11SE, Pioneer Pro XDJ-XZ.


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Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
« Reply #1016 on: March 03, 2023, 06:46:58 AM »
Regarding to this:

New to Tempest...
Frustrated by the playlist live record bug... a big fonction described in the manual !...no way ?

I have the same problem.... solutions like "do a downgrade" are unacceptable.
When can the revised firmware be expected?
Tempest for life.


Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
« Reply #1017 on: March 04, 2023, 01:35:22 AM »
AFAIK never.

When can the revised firmware be expected?
Classical piano drilled.
Jazz disillusioned.


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    • home®ecords label.
Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
« Reply #1018 on: March 11, 2023, 12:57:29 AM »
this seems to be some kind of failed joke!

AFAIK never.

When can the revised firmware be expected?
Tempest for life.