Guys, new here.. bought a Tempest last week and I have a couple of noob questions which are worrying me as I've read about the bugs of the systems OS over the years and the sometimes volatile nature. It is probably my ignorance so please forgive me if these are basic issues that are covered somewhere. For reference I am running the latest OS's and they have installed correctly:
1. When trying to load factory project “Spud & Stump” or “Straight & Tight Kicks” which in the factory default folder, i get the error: “Error 9: Failed to read beat version. File System Error5: Not Found”
Not sure why it is not loading? I have re-installed the firmware a few times. 1.6MB of free memory too... These are default project that shipped with my Tempest.
2. For some reason, when inititializing beat and hitting the various pads to listen to the sounds using the default kit, pad A16 plays whichever sound the pad immediately before it triggered. Huh?? So if i hit A4 which defaults to a kick, A16 will play that sound if I hit the pad. Hit A12, then hitting A16 triggers the A12 sound etc etc..
To make it more confusing: If i record a sequence using the other pads which trigger properly.. and then stop playback and/or record and hit pad A16 repeatedly, A16 triggers random pads... W T F

3. I start a new project that auto defaults to 16 beats labeled 1-16. I select 1 of the beats (they are all empty anyway). If I attempt to start recording and don't init the beat, then the click/metronome is going at a crazy high speed, multiples of the 120 default BPM.. Any thoughts there?
Need to figure this out because I have to take it back to the dealer tomorrow. I only have a week grace period to try the unit and that expires tomorrow.