Hi Roger.
I finally have some detailed instructions on how to create the bug I had mentioned a few days ago. I also stumbled across another bug (or two) while going through this.
The original bug occurs at steps 36 & 42. (I was able to only reproduce this bug in relation to the Mod Wheel, but I guarantee you in earlier messing around I experienced similar behavior with the Pitch Bend Wheel. Whatever you discover in relation to the Mod Wheel, I suggest you look at the same situation or solution regarding the Pitch Bend Wheel.)
A new bug occurs at step 54.
A potential bug occurs at steps 26 & 27 but only depending on what your intent is and possibly my inability to remember the manual perfectly.
Thanks again for your time dedicated to this project.
1) Power on Tempest
2) Connect MIDI Keyboard with Pitchbend and Mod wheels
3) Load Factory Project “Bag & Glow”
4) In 16 Beats Mode, select Beat 1
5) In 16 Sounds Mode, select Pad A16
6) Push the “System” button.
7) In the System menu, on the “MIDI Polyphonic Keyboard Play” set “MIDI: Synth Sound” to A16
8.) On the same menu screen, make sure your “MIDI: Synth IN Channel” matches your keyboard settings, in my case, “1”.
9) Exit the System menu.
10) In 16 Sounds Mode, with Pad A16 selected, select the “Sounds” screen.
11) Push the “Mod Paths” button to go to the Mod Paths editing screen.
12) Set Mod1: / MIDI Pitch Bend / 24 / Osc All Freq
13) Set Mod2: / MIDI Mod Wheel / 40 / Lowpass Filter
14) Press the down arrow to go to the screen where you can set “PITCHBEND AMT” to “Off”
15) Test that playing the external keyboard plays notes on A16 and gives you control of Pitch Bend on the Pitch Bend Wheel of the keyboard and Lowpass Filter control on the Mod Wheel of the keyboard.
16) Also, test that while playing notes on the external keyboard, you can also control the pitch of the note using FX 1 slider and the Lowpass Filter using FX 2 slider.
17) Press the “Pads” button to return to the Pads Screen, still in 16 Sounds mode.
18) Hold the “Erase” button and select the soft key to “Erase All Notes”
19) Press “Click” to turn on the metronome clicks
20) Set “Quant:” to “16th”
21) Press “REC” to arm the recording feature
22) Press “PLAY” to engage the beat
23) Record a simple bass part into the sequencer using the external MIDI Keyboard
24) Press “REC” to turn OFF the live recording (But leave the sequence playing)
25) Press “Click” to turn off the metronome
26) Use FX Slider 1 to tweak the Pitch of the recorded notes as they play. (This works even though the “Playback” button is not lit, which if I remember correctly should be engaged to be able to tweak a recorded sequence)
27) Use FX Slider 2 to tweak the Lowpass of the recorded notes as they play. (This works even though the “Playback” button is not lit, which if I remember correctly should be engaged to be able to tweak a recorded sequence)
28) Please note, all of the tweaking to the sound using the FX Sliders 1 & 2 has not been recorded and does nothing permanent to the recorded sequence.
29) With the sequence still playing, move the Pitch Bend Wheel on the external MIDI Keyboard. (This has no lasting effect… This is different that what I had experienced earlier)
30) With the sequence still playing, move the Mod Wheel on the external MIDI Keyboard. (This has no lasting effect… This is different that what I had experienced earlier)
31) Turn on ROLL
32) Hold pad A1 to play a running 16th note pattern… this should be a tambourine sound
33) While still holding A1, mess with the mod wheel on the external MIDI keyboard to affect the lowpass filter of pad A16
34) Stop messing with the mod wheel
35) Release your hold on pad A1
36) You should now hear the lowpass filter on sound A16 randomly moving around
37) simply play with the mod wheel on the external MIDI keyboard, then let it rest. All should be back to normal.
38) Press “REC” to arm the recording feature (the sequence should still be playing at this time)
39) Hold pad A1 until you have filled the sequence with 16th notes
40) Press “REC” to turn OFF the live recording (But leave the sequence playing)
41) Mess with the mod wheel on the external MIDI keyboard to affect the lowpass filter of pad A16
42) You should now hear the lowpass filter on sound A16 randomly moving around
43) Press “STOP” to stop the sequence from playing
44) Play notes on the external MIDI keyboard
45) While playing notes on the keyboard, mess with the mod wheel on the external MIDI keyboard then let it rest in the lowest position
46) Stop playing notes on the external MIDI keyboard
47) Press “PLAY” to hear the sequence play with the lowpass filter of pad A16 now returned to normal
48) Hopefully the part you have recorded on pad A16 has some sustained notes… if not, rerecord the part to have some sustained notes
49) Select pad A1 to make it the active sound
50) Press “PLAY” to start playing the sequence
51) While a note on pad A16 is being played and held by the sequence, the pad will be lit and it will be making sound
52) As a note on pad A16 is being played and held (sustained) by the sequence press “SOUND BANK B”
53) Notice that pad B1 will be dimly lit as it is the active sound. This is correct.
54) Also notice that pad B16 is brightly lit. This is not correct as it is not the active sound, nor is any sound being generated by that pad.
55) Press pad B16 to make it the active sound
56) Notice that pad B1 goes dark and pad B16 is now dimly lit, showing that it is the active sound
57) Press pad B1 to make it the active sound
58) Notice that pad B1 is now dimly lit to show that it is the active sound and B16 is now dark as it should be