Razmo's Gear Rant Thread...


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Razmo's Gear Rant Thread...
« on: October 05, 2015, 03:41:20 PM »
Yeah yeah... you knew it would eventualy pop up, so here it is: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread  :P

There seems to be lacking a forum cattegory in here, where members can post links to music made with DSI gear (and other hardware), like on the "old" forum... so until that has been done (if), this thread will also serve as an outlet for my (un)musical experimentations  8)

I'm currently making a bit of a change in my studio setup because I started doing audio layer recording, instead of live MIDI recording as I've always been doing... I've also started making Ambient music which makes me realize the value of digital synths with loads of FX built in... thus some synths will be leaving my setup, and others take their place in the future... but rest assured... it's NOT any DSI synths that is leaving the building here, not even Tempest  ;)

Actualy the Tempest is much more valuable now that I'm recording in audio layers, as I can just record whatever I come up with, without having to think about saving stuff... it makes Tempest very flexible for my usage... I recently added the capability to store whole Beats to my SoundDiver editor which is really nice, because I can browse whole beats by the flick of a key in SoundDiver... much more intuitive than dumping single Sounds all the time... unfortunately, the SysEx format does not allow me to make edits to a Beat in SoundDiver, but that's not essential... I create sounds using my Sounds editor, then dump them one at a time to a Beat on Tempest, and when a kit is done, I just dump it back to SoundDiver from Tempest to save it in my library of Beats.

Here is a little joint adventure (short one) by Tempest and EX5... more Ambient, as this is my genre for the future:


Currently I'm trying to sell my Waldorf Microwave (yes the one with analog filters)... I'm trying to get away from old synths, and this one is beginning to annoy me with all of it's quirks... not using it much either, and because it's so circumstancial to get wavetables and waveshapes in and out of this thing... it just has to go.

In the meantime I'm going to save up for a rack version of the Modulus 002 and Hypersynth Xenophone... probably also a Yamaha Reface DX, as I don't have any FM synthesis (real FM synthesis that is). Other than that I don't need much more than something to play samples, but I'll wait until some modern company makes a new hybrid sampler with analog VCF/VCA's (DSI!?) ... I'd like to see Dave's new interpretation af the Wavestation, but with added user sample capabilities in flash  8)

Also recently got a Mackie Big Knob monitor controller... much better routing options because of that one... allows me to have more monitors and a sub connected with individual control.

I recently found out that my subwoofer has serious resonance problems... so I've taken it out of the setup, and to my horror it seems that I've had it way too loud all the time... when I hear the kicks I made on Tempest without it, they suck big time... really thin  :-\ ... so I have some redesign to do on those kicks now... I'm getting a new sub at some point, but at least now I can switch it off on the Mackie Big Knob, and test if it sounds good without a sub.

I also began composing Ambient with headphones... to get a better stereo perspective orientation... so things a quite different here these days...

Well... ranting enough for this post... feel free to rant away if you want... it's an "anything goes" thread  :)
« Last Edit: October 05, 2015, 04:05:18 PM by Razmo »
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Re: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread...
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2015, 08:38:16 PM »
Yeah yeah... you knew it would eventualy pop up, so here it is: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread  :P

This was inevitable, wasn't it?  ;D

Here is a little joint adventure (short one) by Tempest and EX5... more Ambient, as this is my genre for the future:


Good to hear that you're finally getting along with the Tempest. Man, that's some creepy ambient, but I expected that you'd be working towards Halloween again. Let us hear more in the coming weeks!

So you're basically replacing the Microwave with a 002? I'm just curious because to me the latter seems to be a good choice if one is looking for PPG-like sounds.

I'd like to see Dave's new interpretation af the Wavestation, but with added user sample capabilities in flash  8)

That and the Pro 2's filters would be pretty neat.


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Re: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread...
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2015, 12:17:28 AM »
Man, that's some creepy ambient

. o O ( creepyent )

Someone once suggested "Sinister Ambient" as the genre for the crap I have on my soundcloud account. ;D

That and the Pro 2's filters would be pretty neat.

I have a better or at least more expressive filter suggestion for future DSI machines. Still have to write that mail and send it off to DSI though. ;)

Also maybe having a combination of wave tables, granular synthesis and samples could be an interesting concept for a sampler? Lots of DSP programming though.

@Razmo: I will happily buy your analog filter microwave for one danish kroner... ;) ;D :o

PS: Anyone seen what Jean-Michel Jarre are up to these days?
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Re: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread...
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2015, 02:28:18 AM »
Yeah yeah... you knew it would eventualy pop up, so here it is: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread  :P

This was inevitable, wasn't it?  ;D

Here is a little joint adventure (short one) by Tempest and EX5... more Ambient, as this is my genre for the future:


Good to hear that you're finally getting along with the Tempest. Man, that's some creepy ambient, but I expected that you'd be working towards Halloween again. Let us hear more in the coming weeks!

So you're basically replacing the Microwave with a 002? I'm just curious because to me the latter seems to be a good choice if one is looking for PPG-like sounds.

I'd like to see Dave's new interpretation af the Wavestation, but with added user sample capabilities in flash  8)

That and the Pro 2's filters would be pretty neat.

Yes... completely inescapable  ;D ... but I thought, that based on the number of views my rant threads got on the old forum, that nobody would mind  :)

Oh... that Tempest... It's my "Wife" until I find a real one  :o ... and yes... Halloween is coming up, but I'm a sucker for all things creepy all year round... it's halloween all year round in my head  ;D

About the Microwave swap... I'm not swapping it out because the 002 has PPG-like timbres, but because the 002 seems to be a modern, very well made and good sounding piece of equipment... I know it has wavetables too, but that's not the real reason... Prophet 12 has "wavetables" as well... the reason I'm ridding myself of the MW is basicaly that it is cumbersome to create waveshapes and manage all the data types, and it does not support full-cycle waveshapes... second half of the waveshape is a mirrored, and flipped version of the first half of the waveshape, and it require special software to create wavetables from samples, and it's not sounding too good... MW is good for what it does, but sounds mostly digital-harsh with an analog "icing"... it does have many good sounds, but it has to go... it's an old machine, and the backlight has now died on it... I assume it's just a matter of years before it needs some kind of service, and I simply don't want to bother with servicing. I want modern, reliable machines.

I like Wavetable synthesis... but I'll just have to wait until a modern version is made of NAVE in hardware (if)... until then I like the idear of hardwired wavetables in P12 and 002... that makes me not have to think about creating any myself. I may even pair the new Waldorf Eurorack wavetable oscillator with a MOOG Mother32 or an Erebus someday instead... time will tell.
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Re: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread...
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2015, 02:35:30 AM »
Man, that's some creepy ambient

. o O ( creepyent )

Someone once suggested "Sinister Ambient" as the genre for the crap I have on my soundcloud account. ;D

That and the Pro 2's filters would be pretty neat.

I have a better or at least more expressive filter suggestion for future DSI machines. Still have to write that mail and send it off to DSI though. ;)

Also maybe having a combination of wave tables, granular synthesis and samples could be an interesting concept for a sampler? Lots of DSP programming though.

@Razmo: I will happily buy your analog filter microwave for one danish kroner... ;) ;D :o

PS: Anyone seen what Jean-Michel Jarre are up to these days?

My Microwave is looking at you with a very sinister look in it's display now!  ;D

It's for sale for 5.000,- danish kroner which is actualy rather cheap considering what they sell for on Ebay these days... saw one for more than 8.000,- danish kroner a few days ago  ;) ... and then it's even got a RAM card that comes with it... and it has been used by the (in)famous Razmo (sorry, no signing on the front panel, but that can be arranged!  ;D )

The thing is... I want that amount for it... if I don't, I'll simply keep it for what it is  :)
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Re: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread...
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2015, 03:29:36 AM »
My Microwave is looking at you with a very sinister look in it's display now!  ;D

Hehe! I just knew you would appreciate that offer in your own special way! ;D

Seriously, I am not in the market for any full priced synthesizer these days for very good financial reasons. A very good offer maybe its unlikely to happen anyway. Did drool a little over the new RGB Launchpad for various UI potential reasons but that is another matter all together. Got to focus on what I really want to do and that is way more elbow grease orientated!

PS: For some strange reason ME do not reply to such questions.
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Re: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread...
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2015, 05:45:53 AM »
My Microwave is looking at you with a very sinister look in it's display now!  ;D

Hehe! I just knew you would appreciate that offer in your own special way! ;D

Seriously, I am not in the market for any full priced synthesizer these days for very good financial reasons. A very good offer maybe its unlikely to happen anyway. Did drool a little over the new RGB Launchpad for various UI potential reasons but that is another matter all together. Got to focus on what I really want to do and that is way more elbow grease orientated!

PS: For some strange reason ME do not reply to such questions.

Anyway... I cannot recommend the MW, unless you are a person who just LOVE to mess around with obscure outdated programs, and have lots of patience... until Chysn made that wav2microwave web utility, even that part was a daunting ordeal... I have to say, that the sound of the MW is truly unique... I don't think there is many other synths with just that character, so it all boils down to what type of sound you like.... most presets are very harsh, aliased and digital in nature, and sound somewhat like a bad 8bit sampler... but then... when you REALLY know how to program it, it can sound REALLY analog, with it's own very nice character... problem is that it is so complicated.

First, it only allow you to create 12 user wavetables... that's horrendously few, and they are NOT part of the preset... presets only point to these wavetables.

Second, the waveshapes are half-cycle, and the programs for creating such half-cycle waveforms from sampled material are either hopelessly outdated, or extremely complicated to use, and they rarely save in MW syx format... also these waveshapes are pointed to by the wavetables.... this gives three different data types that are dependant on each other... and I did not mention the multi datatype, which points to presets... so when you need to put a multi into a library, it includes 8 presets, 12 wavetables and 61 waveshapes to be certain it sound the way it should... quickly such a library gets cluttered up with loads of waveshapes, wavetables and presets belonging to other multis, to other presets, wavetables etc... there is no syx for dumping everything in ONE go, so that you can save stuff in one entry... you'd have to create custom software for this, and even then, the calculated time between such a dump to allow the MW to set up everything is more than 5 sec.!

The only way to use it in a structured maner is to decide that you only have as many wavetables and waveshapes as the machine allows, and that's waaaay too few.... 12 wavetables are quickly used up, not to mention the 61 waveshapes... but this will be the way I'll use it, if no one buys my MW.

Actualy there are some sounds on my MW I'll really miss... it's not many, but a few... I'll try and see if I can recreate some of them on P12 instead.
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Re: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread...
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2015, 08:58:13 AM »
Well... as I'm trying to sell my Waldorf Microwave, I'm also trying to replicate a few of the presets that I use the most on it, so that I'll have a less hard time getting rid of it...

The first preset is one I've used A LOT! ... really love this preset, and originaly it was made for the Microwave II/XT/XTk when I had a MW2... I'm not the original creator of this sound, but I replicated it on the MW1 when I sold my MW2... in fact all those presets I'm thinking about replicating, was initialy on the MW2... I just liked them so much I made them for the MW1 too.

Recreating them on MW1 was quite simple, as MW1 & 2 are pretty much the same, exept that MW1 has fewer parameters and no FX.

Recreating these on a non-wavetable synth is harder... but I'll try anyway.

Here is the result from my first recreation: http://razmo.ziphoid.com/MW_EMU.mp3

Maybe you can hear what DSI synth I used?  ;) ... the first half is MW1, the second is a DSI synth.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2015, 09:00:26 AM by Razmo »
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Re: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread...
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2015, 04:49:49 PM »
Here's a little doodle I did while "reconnecting" with my Waldorf Microwave again... it should demonstrate very well the unique sound of the Microwave 1 ... Don't really know many other synths with this "straaaange" character...


Just MW thru Lexicon MX400 pingpong delay...

...beware... 20 minutes of sounds  ;D
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Re: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread...
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2015, 01:35:24 PM »
Well... I've been talking lately about getting a Pro2 soon... I've thought it over, and decided differently because I really have a problem with two things on Pro2 currently.... 1. Only 3½ octaves, and 2. Too many similarities to P12.

I'm in need of a master keyboard, so 3½ octaves... I just have this feeling I'll regret it... besides, I don't really need something that is so similar to what I allready got... as I'm compacting my studio at the moment, I'll need as many different synthesis methods as possible, and some of them has to be geared towards the type of music I'm planning to make, which is any kind of Ambient.

Then yesterday, I found what I believe would fit all my needs:

So I have this on hold now... buying it from a good friend of mine. It's the latest version of the V-Synth engine, and it has a lot of cool sample manipulation technology in it, plus 61 good quality keys with aftertouch... on top I'm looking forward to trying the infamous D-Beam with some of my DSI synths, not the least the large XY pad, that I think will work wonders as an alternative to the two separate sliders I miss on the P12 module.

I'm paying approx. 1.600 US dollars for it, which is quite good... it was initialy a demo version from a music store here in Denmark, and it even still has a year of warranty on it, so that's nice.

That even leaves some funds to be spend on maybe that Yamaha Reface DX that I've also had in mind for some time...  :)

I've not given up on the Pro2 yet though... it just has to wait, and who knows... maybe Dave comes up with something new and even more exiting before that day comes... only the future will tell...
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Re: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread...
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2015, 04:39:08 PM »
I am really intrigued by the Reface DX. It's great that Yamaha is bringing back a classic FM architecture. A DX100 was my first actual synthesizer, and I've enjoyed multiple TX81Zs, multiple DX7s, and a TX7 over the years. The TF7 for iPad is a great FM synth, but its sound is maybe a little too refined.

My problem is that when I think of buying a Reface DX, I start thinking that I could have a TX802 for half the price.
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Re: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread...
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2015, 11:53:12 PM »
Yes... I have had the same thought about tx802... Mainly for One reason: Dx7 compatibility... There is a HUUUUGE free library of sounds for the dx7.

But then there is the sound..  Many old fm synths has a lot of aliasing, being 12bit or Even 10bit... That is cool for some sounds, but if you Are in for the clangorous Bell like sound or others that die and fade out slowly, then it becomes critical when aliasing destroy the "tail" ...

The reface is most likely above 16bit in its algorithms, ensuring pristine and crystal clear audio thru probably 24bit converters... That is what i need for my ambient stuff.

On top, the reface has one thing that no other FM synth has: Feedback on all operators, and Even with two types of feedback styles... Also it has built in FX that is part of the preset, which is also a huge plus.

And lastly, it has a modern MIDI implementation, with all included in ONE sysex message... Many earlier models had several sysex addon messages for One complete patch which only complicates editor Development.

So i have no doubts... Only thing I'm hoping is, that Yamaha don't suddenly create another new FM synth with more features and backwards DX7 compatibility... the biggest grief I have about the Reface is that they did not make it a 6-operator FM synth that could load DX7 presets... that would have sealed the deal as the perfect solution, especialy if they made a rack version of it 😊
« Last Edit: October 28, 2015, 12:45:56 AM by Razmo »
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Re: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread...
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2015, 12:18:38 AM »
I would look into the VSynth XT as well, you get the D50 with the XT and you don't get them with the GT by default.

Of course if you want a keyboard, the AP stuff and twice the power then the GT is the way to go ;)


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Re: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread...
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2015, 12:39:06 AM »
I would look into the VSynth XT as well, you get the D50 with the XT and you don't get them with the GT by default.

Of course if you want a keyboard, the AP stuff and twice the power then the GT is the way to go ;)

I had the XT version once... and yes, it's a fine instrument which I would have chosen, if it was not for a few facts about the GT version.

Most importantly, is that it has keys... I'm selling my Yamaha EX5 soon, simply because I'm tired of it's convoluted way of creating samples, and the fact that it's loading time is broken, even with SCSI... so the XT is not an option... I need the keys.

Second, the GT has modern connectivity... it's has USB for computer, and USB for data... the other versions has PCMCIA which is also outdated, and one of the most important things for me is that getting samples to and from the sampler is fast and intuitive... I like the idear of storing my banks on USB Sticks.

And then there is the AP synthesis... I know some find it not so important, but it's a feature I'd really like to use for flute sounds for example, as some kind of natural element is crucial in my Ambient projects.

The double engine is nice to have, but not crucial to me.

The D-Beam, though many hate it, I'd like to try and use... it's not on previous versions.

It's a shame about the D50 not being there of course, but I really don't need it either... the V-Synth engine is more than capable of doing what I need.

By the way... the thing I like about the V-Synth sampler is that it has elastic audio... that you do not need to set up time-consuming multisamples, but instead can use time stretching and formant shaping with just one sample... it's a huge time saver, and it elliminates that irritating byproduct of multisamples, where you can actualy hear where new samples begin, and old ones stop on the keyboard range.

The only thing I'm fearing about the GT is that it's the typical Roland aftertouch sensitivity, where you have to break your fingers to even initiate it... but I'll just have to get used to that, if that's the case.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2015, 12:40:51 AM by Razmo »
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Re: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread...
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2015, 04:05:16 AM »
I've had a V-Synth GT for 4 years. I can say a few things about it...

Quality of keys and build is the best I've ever had, even better than Moog stuff. Although it has a plastic piece on the sides, it is full metal beneath it... the keys are also the best semi-weighted synth keys I've ever used, even compared with Nord, Korg, Yamaha and a lot of other. It is slightly more firm than the ones on the Prophet 08, but with a better feel, no lateral movements (you have it on the 08), precise velocity tracking. The after touch is more on the rough side, which is the only negative side of it.

Sonically, the internal synth engine is enough. As good as a few other VAs on the market, but don't expected something magic. It really excels at the sampling side... it does everything one could hope for, but at the cost of being kind of inaccessible for sampling edition. It isn't so hard to do, but takes a lot of time! A lot!!

I can answer pretty much anything you want... just ask.

Moog Minimoog Voyager, Little Phatty and Sub Phatty| MI Ambika | Elektron Analog Four and Analog Rytm


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Re: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread...
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2015, 04:47:04 AM »
I've had a V-Synth GT for 4 years. I can say a few things about it...

Quality of keys and build is the best I've ever had, even better than Moog stuff. Although it has a plastic piece on the sides, it is full metal beneath it... the keys are also the best semi-weighted synth keys I've ever used, even compared with Nord, Korg, Yamaha and a lot of other. It is slightly more firm than the ones on the Prophet 08, but with a better feel, no lateral movements (you have it on the 08), precise velocity tracking. The after touch is more on the rough side, which is the only negative side of it.

Sonically, the internal synth engine is enough. As good as a few other VAs on the market, but don't expected something magic. It really excels at the sampling side... it does everything one could hope for, but at the cost of being kind of inaccessible for sampling edition. It isn't so hard to do, but takes a lot of time! A lot!!

I can answer pretty much anything you want... just ask.


It seems I've got it right, when doing my presumptions about the V-Synth GT... you see, the aftertouch is exactly what worried me a little bit because the bender looks exactly like the one on a lot of EDIROL controllers, that later became Roland controllers... I've had the A-800 PRO myself, and I liked the keys feel, and the velocity was really good... but the Aftertouch was a chore to use, and you'd have to almost break your fingers to initiate it... I decided to live with that though.

This hints me that the keybed in V-Synth GT may in fact be the same as the A-800 PRO in some way... but that's ok... it was probably the best controller keybed I've had despite the Aftertouch being "heavy".

I also know that some people prefer the older version of the V-Synth... they say that the menus are worse on the new version... I've had the XT version and found that to be simple enough.

But in the end, it all boils down to the sound, that it has good keys, and is easy to use when importing/exporting samples to/from computer... I'm not worried about the sound of it... I'm not worried about the keys either or the data storage for that matter.... so I really don't know what I should be worried about...

but if you have something in particular, especialy remaining bugs, then please tell me! .. .I'd appreciate that!  :)
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Re: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread...
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2015, 05:17:01 AM »
It seems I've got it right, when doing my presumptions about the V-Synth GT... you see, the aftertouch is exactly what worried me a little bit because the bender looks exactly like the one on a lot of EDIROL controllers, that later became Roland controllers... I've had the A-800 PRO myself, and I liked the keys feel, and the velocity was really good... but the Aftertouch was a chore to use, and you'd have to almost break your fingers to initiate it... I decided to live with that though.

This hints me that the keybed in V-Synth GT may in fact be the same as the A-800 PRO in some way... but that's ok... it was probably the best controller keybed I've had despite the Aftertouch being "heavy".

I also know that some people prefer the older version of the V-Synth... they say that the menus are worse on the new version... I've had the XT version and found that to be simple enough.

But in the end, it all boils down to the sound, that it has good keys, and is easy to use when importing/exporting samples to/from computer... I'm not worried about the sound of it... I'm not worried about the keys either or the data storage for that matter.... so I really don't know what I should be worried about...

but if you have something in particular, especialy remaining bugs, then please tell me! .. .I'd appreciate that!  :)
You'll be surprised with the key quality... A800 is on the cheap side in comparison. The GT has way better keys... only the after touch is comparable.

Data management is also very good. The USB drive is easily recognizable, projects are easy to load and everything is smooth.

You can't have a lot of samples, or even multisample easily, but that's not what the GT is for. It's more capable of handling a single sample across the whole keyboard range. That's the beauty of Elastic Audio...

I didn't have any bugs bothering me. I sold it because I wasn't using it a lot in my music, and here in Brazil it's almost impossible to sell one - seized an opportunity.

One thing that I miss about it is the effects section. Some are not that good, but other are on par with everything Roland does that is expensive and good. The whole touchscreen interaction is also very practical.

As said before, the GT make it a little hard to edit samples. Maybe it was a limitation I had, but the process should be easier. And no, it's not buggy.

I just hope for the best. I kinda miss my GT. it was very sturdy and beautiful machine that I shouldn't have dismissed.

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Re: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread...
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2015, 09:09:46 AM »
Ahh nice! ... if it's better than A-800, I'm definitely a happy man!  :D ... it will be serving as my only keyboard with which I'll be playing everything I have... Can't wait to play the sliders of my P12 module with it's X/Y pad  :)

Du you know how big a capacity in USB sticks you can use with the GT? ... and can you use other USB data storage devices with it, like external harddrives? ... I'm thinking about finding a 64GB stick, which will probably fit all the samples I'll ever need.

Actualy, the "multisample" problem is fine with me... in fact that's what I'm tired of with samplers, because I can easily hear the individual samples as I play... so yes, the elastic audio technology is really nice, especialy in conjunction with the formant control as well.... it also speeds up editing, and not the least; sampling... no need to make 61 individual samples of each key anymore.

I read somewhere that the FX section was ported directly from Rolands bigger FX boxes... I don't know which though, but I remember the FX as being good on the XT for sure, but also the COSM technology opens up a lot, as they're kind of like polyphonic FX.

Editing the samples don't bother me at all... I'll be doing all my sampling beforehand using SoundForge on my computer, including looping and stuff... that's why data handling on GT is so crucial to me, because it has to be simple and fast.

Thanx for your input cr73645  :) appreciated...
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Re: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread...
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2015, 11:00:29 AM »
You'll be amazed with the overall build quality. Not just the keys, everything feels good.

I don't remember how exactly, but there's a way to select which MIDI CC is sent by each controller, which will provide you ways of doing things you wanted, like playing with the XY pad (very good feel, and also holds latest position if wanted). I never used my GT as a controller for doing complex stuff, just basic use of keys.

USB sticks supported were the ones with up to 16GB if I remember correctly. A normal Kingston will be enough. The sampler inside it supports up to 180 seconds of stereo samples, which is not a lot for the normal sampler, but good enough for what the GT does. In the end, you'll have a hard time to fill a 16 GB stick, probably being able to store everything you'll ever need. It doesn't support external hard drives, at least not the ones I've tried (older Samsumg external hard drives).

The COSM part is pretty special indeed. You can use a regular filter, but also a few other things that make it much more complex. There's even a filter to give pitch to noisy sounds (or even a pure noise source)... It enables the user to be creative and chain the two available COSM slots as needed.

The GT is beautiful, reliable and deep synthesizer - probably the deepest sampler I've ever used. It's powerful enough to provide the most unique sounds one could ever want. Besides being flexible, you get an excellent vocoder, incredible sample handling capabilities and a lot of other stuff ITB that will provide a complete ambient for sound creation. It is, as I see, the ultimate digital synth/sampler hybrid that I think won't be seen anymore.

A little taste of what it can do in the "strange sounds" department:

I'm glad I could help! Cheers
Moog Minimoog Voyager, Little Phatty and Sub Phatty| MI Ambika | Elektron Analog Four and Analog Rytm


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Re: Razmo's Gear Rant Thread...
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2015, 11:28:11 AM »
Well... there is certainly no doubt that the GT is perfect for Ambient style music... It'll serve it's purpose in my studio  :)
If you need me, follow the shadows...