short demo of a bass patch I've been experimenting with on the Novation PEAK.
Must say that I'm rather impressed with the sound of the PEAK... this thing can sound so analog it's hard to believe it has digital oscillators... compared to the P12 it certainly kicks it's butt when it comes to bass tones... I won't even miss a MOOG when having this synth.
The ausio quality of this FPGA synthesis has to be the future of digital synths running in the megahertz range... it certainly blurrs the line between digital and analog that's for sure.
P12 certainly has a few advantages compared to the PEAK, but honestly, for me it's only the dual timbrality... if PEAK had this and added a PAN destination to it's mod matrix, I don't even think I'd feel a need to get a P12 at any point... I have the Curtis filters in my REV2, I do not need more synths with that filter really.
Besides... I've sold my REV2 keyboard... or rather, I swapped it for a Roland V-Synth GT which was a synth i really needed because of it's VariPhrase synthesis... i made a direct swap for it with the REV2 which was an ok deal... In two days I'll be buying a REV2 16-voice module though... i never decided to rid myself of the REV2, especially not now that I've spend so much time on my soundbank... I'm also still planning a second bank (with drones), so I had to get this synth again.
The stuff i feel that REV2 does better than the PEAK is actually Pads, Strings and other stuff... I've been unable to replicate some of the better pads and strings from my bank on the PEAK so far, so REV2 certainly has a place in my heart regarding these sounds it does so well.
I'm also planning on doing a new revision of my current soundbank (that will be free for all who bought it already)... there are some of the presets i do not like and feel do not really belong in the bank (basses especially, I'll save those for a dedicated bass/lead bank sometime later on, more suited towards Berlin School type sounds).
I actually do not know if I'll ever get a P12... I'm really torn on that matter... both because I want synths now that have built in FX including reverb... P12 does not have that, and there is still something about the sound quality i do not like, especially when using audio rate modulation... i don't think that Sequential will ever overcome this though, unless they make an FPGA digital front end synth... so I think I'll most likely be waiting to see what they come up with next.
My soundcard allow me to connect 9 stereo synths in total, and that is most likely what I'll end up with (modules only)... but I'll be choosing them VERY VERY carefully without hurry... currently there is nothing in the horizon except the REV2 module, but I'll be having this within next week... so only the gods know what'll be next.
I'm currently having an eye on the coming UDO synth hoping it will have both presets and SysEx for creating an editor... in that case, and if it delivers something unique, this might be on the list.
I might actually get a ONE, QUANTUM or even a PROPHET X as well at some point (now that others are creating software for the PX it has gained my attention again)... but it will probably never happen, both because I feel those are too expensive, but also because I will ONLY accept modules from now on... my V-Synth GT function as my main controller, and will be my only keyboard.
I guess that's all for this "update" of what's going on in my head at the moment.... please spare me for more comments on the subject of my always changing goals... I'm fully aware of this