Just wait to see what Sequential has up their sleeve next. You have a REV2, but bought a DM12 for some reason. You have a peak, but you're thinking about the P12 for some reason. If what Sequential does next blows the Peak out of the water (which I assume it will if it goes in that direction), then your purchase will be warranted. Buying a VCO or hardware sampler next if you have an itchy trigger finger sounds like a more practical option considering your setup.
Ofc this is simply my recommendation ... No one ever listens to me. 
Ohh, but I listen! ... it's just not always that i act on it

But I actually am thinking in the direction of a Prophet X anyway... i did say earlier that i would not get one, but I'm beginning to see the writing on the wall in that regard because, if I'm ever going to find a sampler synth that also have the SysEx specs I want, then that will probably be the only real bet... there are very few synths of today that make the specs right, and Sequential is one of them... i was lucky that Novation PEAK did too... and normally MOOG and Waldorf does too, but with the complexity of Quantum, I simply do not believe the SysEx will be the way I want it to be... at least not for the Quantum.
An area that usually makes SoundDiver lack the features to create an editor is in either checksums (if the type is not supported), or if bytes in the dump is used for more than one parameter... in the later case you would want to switch between different views of parameters, depending on a single parameters value... an example is almost always FX sections... one byte designates what type of FX you want to use, and a group of bytes hold the parameter values... but the same parameter value bytes are used for any FX you choose, and as such the values in them differ from FX to FX... SoundDiver cannot handle this, and that was also how the FX in DeepMind12 was handled... PEAK have all FX available at the same time, so all FX has their own parameter byte in the dump... with Sequential, there are so few parameters, even though the same bytes are used for all FX, but the range of these parameters are always the same, so it does not matter.
Thus, the days where synths that fit my SysEx needs are being produced is probably nearing it's end because most newer synths with analog components have built in FX engines, and they will probably just get more and more advanced...
Besides... after a hard thought, I really do not want to deal with exchanging samples in a sampler synth, as I have been saying before, I'd rather like a ROMpler, but with my own set of samples so that I can create what I need, and then simply forget about sample loading forever more... That is how I would be dealing with a Prophet X... creating a sample set that match my needs carefully, and then treat it like a ROMpler with analog filters...
Regarding Sequentials next synth... I'm not sure it will take PEAK of it's piedestal... the way Sequential makes their synths are different, so I do not believe it will be able to do all it does, and IF it will compete with it, it would have to use FPGA synthesis... and I'd welcome that from Sequential actually, so by all means; i hope they will try to compete with it

Still... I'll probably get a Prophet 12 anyway... i simply know that it will still hold it's space in the Sequential repertoire... Prophet 12 never fully took over for the Evolvers... and anything new will not take over for the Prophet 12 either, I'm firmly convinced in that.
But I think that what I'll be doing is save up for a Prophet X... that will take some time... and until I've got that kind of money, Sequential will probably release some specs on their new thing, and thus the focus may switch from the X to whatever that is... that seems like the best option at the moment... and then get some sounds done in the meantime for the TEMPEST and PEAK.