Allright... I've now ordered the KORG KaossPad 3+
This was the third device in an attempt at creating a 3-device setup that would allow for each to cover a certain aspect of a project:
1. The Synth
2. The Drummachine
3. The Sample Player
Any of these three will be subject for exchange on different projects, but I believe it will mainly be the Synth that will actually be exchanged because finding as advanced drummachines as the Tempest, with analog/hybrid specs will be long in between.
The Sample player may be exchanged, depending on the availability of other devices being available that cover the basics. Currently there are none really that will offer anything worth of an exchange, and that is because the KaossPad has a really nice live manipulation control via it's X-Y pad and loads of performance oriented effects, along with the sampling capabilities... this is also the only device that I'll accept being 100% digital... at least until a KaossPad with analog filter built in is a reality.
Having the KaossPad take care of vocal samples, nature samples and various drones etc. also lets me postpone the need for a Prophet X or Quantum until later on... there are other more important synths to look for when samples can be handled by the sample player.
The thing I need the KaossPad 3+ for are generally looped stuff that I can fade in and out directly during recording via the device itself, and manipulate in real time as well. This will be stuff like strange voices/chants/talk etc. that cannot be created synthetically. It also include sustained sounds of acoustic stuff like rattlings/steps/flowing water/wind etc. and the last thing is drones of any kind, both harmonic and inharmonic drones made both by acoustic sounds but also digitally generated ones... in general we're talking about sounds that cannot be changed in pitch during play, as this is not possible on KP3+ ... also, I'm NOT a fan of pitch shifting samples as it makes them sound weird, unless it's drones, but that can be fixed in the sample editing software if I want to. I may use it also for acoustic percussion loops that I record myself (since they will need to be perfectly timed to a certain BPM).
The thing I like about the KP3+ is that it works more like a four track stereo tape recorder... a loops length is determined by the BPM, so this means that all samples must be very carefully created to allow for seamless loops, but I've got software to do just that, so it's not a big problem. Actually all the four tracks you can have, has their loops playing continuously even if the play mode is where you press a button to hear it, and release it to stop it... it'll keep playing "underneath" meaning that any sample playing will always stay completely in sync with each other... it also makes fading the sound in and out more random... it makes the typical "static sample start" problem go away... me like!
All tracks are also in stereo, which is a must... and all the 150 FX in the KP3+ will be of great use to manipulate the sounds in real time as needed... perfect for when I record stuff live into my DAW.
The software that is controlling the KP3+ is also really handy... it will dump samples on the fly via USB, so no need to mess with taking the SD card in and out all the time.
I can also fire one-shot samples from a pad if I like, which is also quite handy... and the device itself is nice and compact, fitting perfectly into my limited desktop space.
The only "bad" thing is the preparation of the samples... because the KP3+ works as a tape machine, the samples actual length (the loop sample) will always be determined by the BPM. therefore, if samples are to play back at their original pitch, the sample must have been specifically prepared to fit the BPM... thus all four samples, if loops, must have exactly the same sample length... if not, some of them will be transposed accordingly. This makes the need for some serious loop mangling techniques, but I've got the proper software for this... the longest sample length is almost 13 seconds per sample which is quite alright, but to have it that long, you'd have to be at 74BPM ... with natural sounds and drones that does not matter, but it may be a challenge with rhythmic stuff...
I tested the software to see how many samples a 16 measure at 74BPM would be, and it's exactly 622.702 samples long... about 12.97 seconds... so any sample not exactly that size will have to be time stretched to that exact size... if not, then seamless looping is not possible... you need to know exactly the size of a sample for any given BPM you will be using in the KP3+
How I will organize my samples I'll have to think more about... especially if all samples in my coming library need to be playing at original sample speeds, and be capable of being mixed in the KP3+ it will have to be standardized... not sure yet how to go about it.
But all in all; it's the best cheap solution right now. It'll allow me to finally get realistic natural sounds into my compositions... that sound of waves on the beach... the sound of the wind... thunder... chanting monks or complex drones... all with a good measure of ways to manipulate in real time to make the samples much more expressive and adaptive.
It's not a melodic approach to samples like it would have been with a Prophet X or Quantum, but i think that is good because the preparation time of samples for that would be huge compared to this ... there are still some preparation, but much of it can be batch processed or fixed quickly and easy... this also means, that when i finally some day get a Prophet X or Quantum, that i can focus on these with only melodic samples in mind, and leave all the other stuff to the KP3+
end of rant... just a "short" update to let you know what's going on in my head (and that's always a lot I'm afraid).