I think I've finaly come to a conclusion on how to tackle my future compositions... studio wise that is.
In the past I had loads of synths, but completely drowned my overview and focus on too many synths and cable connections... it was a lot of fun and i learned a lot about a lot of machines, but only on the surface... i never really got around to making any long term music projects with all that gear because of the sheer amount of stuff.
Lately I was thinking about getting just three synths... three really deep and quality synths and stick with that, but i know that my interest in gear will never go away... at some point I will fall in, and buy more stuff anyway... it happened for the last 30 years, so why would it ever stop? might as well get realistic.
When I bought my Tempest and hooked it up along with my REV2, i started to get this irritating feeling again, that "three would not be enough in the long run", and all the negative thoughts about cables and a spoiled overview surfaced again... i really hate that kind of OCD like thinking, but it just happens... every time.
When I think back on the last 6 months, where I decided NOT to buy anything new, and focus ONLY on the REV2, all that went away, and I've never been more productive during those 6 months creating my REV2 soundset... and I believe it stems back from my homecomputer time, where I worked mainly on Commodore 64 and AMIGA computers... I'm used to having ONE machine, and pour all my focus on just ONE machine, trying to get as much out of it as at all possible... I begin to feel the same way about synths.
The problem is that I also have GAS... and always will... so i think now, that the way for me to go is simply to use only ONE synth at any one time, for a given musical project... doing the best with that one synth that I can. When you do harddisk recording it's not really a big problem as I can reuse the same synth over and over again. No, I will not be able to do everything with just one synth, but I can do enough... the last 6 months and all the sounds i made have shown me, that even a simple analog synth like the REV2 can give you enough variety that you can in fact create whole scores with it, and it's a fun challenge actually.
But with the GAS also being an issue, I've decided that I'll buy other synths in the future... i already bought the Tempest as you all know, so the GAS has started already... I'll simply invest in a tall keyboards stand for my living room, and place any synth i do not use on display there... then I can come back and work on other synths as i see fit, but only using one at a time for a project.
The only thing extra that I'll be using is external FX (mainly reverb), but for that I use plugins... I do not want any other hardware cluttering up my small cozy working area, and it also gives me most freedom as plugins can be realtime on tracks, and changed along the way as i see fit... a bit of EQ as well, also via plugin.
The synths I intend to buy will mainly be ones that has keys on them, as i like the idea of everything in one box... a few synths might not come in a keyboard version (like PEAK and Tempest for example), so I'll probably get a compact master controller for these cases.
Before I made the fantasy programs for the REV2 I would never have thought I'd be able to create so varied sounds for Ambient music... i thought that I would have had to have at least 3-4 synths complimenting each other, but I can see now that this is not the case... so using this scheme in the future seems to be my thing.
I do have a few demands when it comes to the synths I'm going to get though... for some reason, 100% digital synths tend to bore me, but i do not think it's because they are digital, it's rather because most of them are so advanced that they an do most everything, and that defies my "genes" when it comes to working under certain limits... thus also big workstations simply bores me to death... i also want polyphony... no monosynths because the lack of polyphony will be devastating on the flexibility, especially in Ambient music that needs loads of pads... Also, I seem to lean towards synths that are at least Hybrid synths, or fully analog... they must have preset memory though, and be relatively easy to edit (preferably with MIDI specs that allow for editors).
Synths that are definitely on my list so far are:
Prophet 12
Prophet X (if the user sample software will be fully functional for ALL features)
Prophet 6 Keyboard
OB 6 Keyboard
Poly Evolver Keyboard
DeepMind 12
Maybe I'll even set up a small rack system for a few older racksynths I'd like to use again... like Waldorf Microwave for example...
I recall a Commodore 64 game that also happens to be the game with my favourite C64 game music ever that would fit my scheme well... the game was called "One Man and his Droid" ... I'm now the "One Man and his Synth"