A few new things... first of, i did not get that E350 wavetable module, someone beat me to it, so it'll have to wait a bit since I'm not ready to pay full price for that yet
Instead, I got both the Continuum Phaser and DTech Filter home... the DTech needed calibration which was why it was quite cheap, but it took me 5minutes to calibrate it, so that was a good thing... this filter can scream like a witch, a really odd filter with lots of resonant howling and unstableness... useful thing for lots of things... it does take up a lot of HP space in my opinion though... but it'll be handy for some special jobs.
The Continuum Phaser also sounds really good and even have two audio inputs and two CV inputs... enough parameters to tweak in that one, and will certainly be good for certain jobs too.
In addition, I've got the DPLR from SSF/WMD home... i thought it could not produce a 100% wet signal, but it does... I don't know how they managed this though, as the delay chips datasheet depicts a signal flow that should make that impossible since the dry input signal is mixed at the input with the delayed DSP signal and output BEFORE the DSP input in the analog domain... so how they remove the dry signal i do not know... wonder if they somehow add an inverted dry signal to the output to cancel out the dry signal when the mix knob is moved above center position... or maybe the datasheet has it pictured wrong... dunno...
Also... one thing I've always wanted is to get completely MIDI free, so that the only thing I use the DAW for is raw analog audio recording... until now I've needed the MIDI to time tracks together, when I record them one at a time, meaning that arrangement is needed in the DAW... this is what I'd like to get away from, doing all arranging by tweaking knobs live during recording, making everything performance oriented... unfortunately, creating a modular system that allow for many tracks playing at once would require way more modules and money than I'm capable of dealing with so I've been thinking this thru pretty hard lately...
I came to the conclusion, that if I'm to use only the KB37 with a chosen 107HP of modules, I'd be hard pressed to have more than 2 or max 3 voices going at the same time.. .in most situations only 2... and for this I'd need some sort of sequencing module as well... some tracks need dead on timing, like sequencer tracks and percussion so to sync these up when recording without MIDI on different tracks become a problem.
But I've decided to try and do it anyway... as I'm recording a whole track in one go, all that would be needed is that the clock used is exactly the same, and that I start playback at the same time... a little latency is not a problem since this can be corrected by shifting a recorded track back/forth in the DAW after recording, but the timing of the clock should be deadly precise to keep in sync over several minutes in case I'm sequencing more tracks.
Most other tracks but sequencer, bass and percussion would not really need to be that timing stable... I'd just record those live... like lead synths, FX, Pads etc... so in most cases, the sequencer and bass part is what will be recorded via sequencer at the same time so that they absolutely click in timing... if I'm not able to record drums on a second layer and make it time with the bass and sequencer track, then I'll be needing some sort of expansion case for this to be done at the same time as sequencer and bass... time will tell... maybe I will even do this in the future, to get free from having to rely on the clock keeping up.
To do the sequencing I went on a little hunt because I'm more into actually PLAYING in the steps of a sequence, than editing it with some knobs or sliders like on a traditional modular sequencer... I need something that can record at least two gate and CVs in at least 32steps to get something interesting going... i found one such module... the Shakmat . Bishop's Miscellany... it does just that, and is not overly huge in HP either, so I'll order that module very soon.
It is my plan to use that for recording directly from the KB37's gate/cv output, and use the KB37's internal clock for it (the module does not have it's own clock)... the KB37 clock is digital, and can be tap-tempo'ed so that the clock will not drift, and I thus hope it will be good enough to layer sequenced tracks in the DAW without drifting... otherwise I'll just have to expand my setup a little... I will have two sound sources in the KB37 for bass and sequence, there should be enough HP space to allow both this, and some modules extra to spice things up... when these first two synths have been laid down, the backbone for the tune is there, and I can switch out the modules for percussion sounds (provided I do not expand the setup, so that this is also handled with the two other tracks at the same time)... the rest of material can be recorded live...
With this approach, I can concentrate on tweaking knobs to make the necessary dynamics in the bass/sequence/percussion while the sequencers take care of the note playing, also eliminating the need for a lot of those modulation modules, since i prefer doing all the slow movements by hand instead of using envelopes and LFOs... when the live tracks are to be recorded, sequencer modules and multiple voices is not needed, so these can be more experimental setups to create more advanced sounds with more modulation modules etc.
IF this will work well... in time... I'll probably move my computer screen from behind the KB37 on my desktop, to hanging on the wall to one side, and then invest in a large standing eurorack case to be placed right behind my KB37 and expand my system this way... having a row of HP for percussion, a row for sequencer/bass and a row for modulation modules as well... and then fill up the KB37 with the modules that I'll use in a project for playing live... but this is still only in the speculative phase