on the A6, one cannot fix individual voices without replacing the entire voice board.
Yes you can. You just replace the individual chip. The problem will be finding a chip!
There are other options as well:
- Disable the voice. You might not notice the difference!
- The voice might not actually be dead. There is a bug that makes them appear dead.
Alesis will only sell (past-tense: would only sell) the complete voice board, which is 1) bogus and 2) silly inasmuch as nearly every other IC that Wavefront Semi offers is/was available in limited quantities through the right surplus/catalog electronics distributor.
From the experience of an experienced bench technician / electronics designer / luxury electronics importer, Alesis blew it big time - it remains to be seen how Modal / 20 Electronics / EMC-Schmidt handle service issues for their increasingly expensive offerings.
* - and would also be an interesting question for Uli Behringer to answer: in thirty years' time, how easily will the DeepMind12 units be able to be serviced? Modified? Extended via third-party firmware?