What Is the New Andromeda?

Sacred Synthesis

Re: What Is the New Andromeda?
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2016, 06:31:38 PM »
I'm all for DCOs, since they sound good and their price is reasonable.  I'd like VCO's is a mono synth, though, since they sound great and would be less expensive for the smaller-sized instrument. 

Sacred Synthesis

Re: What Is the New Andromeda?
« Reply #21 on: August 11, 2016, 09:16:52 PM »
Drats!  I hate being locked out of my own posts and being unable to correct typos.  "I'd like VCOs in a mono synth...."

Re: What Is the New Andromeda?
« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2016, 12:36:22 PM »
on the A6, one cannot fix individual voices without replacing the entire voice board.

Yes you can.  You just replace the individual chip.  The problem will be finding a chip!

There are other options as well:
- Disable the voice.  You might not notice the difference!
- The voice might not actually be dead.  There is a bug that makes them appear dead.

Re: What Is the New Andromeda?
« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2016, 12:58:59 PM »
I'd say the modern analogue with flexibility of the Andromeda is probably the 008.  The features are not the same but the 008 can do things the Andromeda can't and vice versa.  Sound wise they are mostly quite different but they can overlap.  I've was able to pretty much able to replicate my favourite A6 sound on the 008.  The 008 generally sounds bigger than the A6 even with half the voices, OTOH the A6 can do a particularly nice ensemble sound I can't get out of anything else and it can do very sharp sounds the 008 can't.

I find the complex synths like the A6 and 008 can act as sonic chameleons.  They are pretty good at sounding close to other synths.  So, they cost you more but you get a much bigger tonal range and a much bigger range of sounds.

Re: What Is the New Andromeda?
« Reply #24 on: August 14, 2016, 04:14:40 PM »
on the A6, one cannot fix individual voices without replacing the entire voice board.

Yes you can.  You just replace the individual chip.  The problem will be finding a chip!

There are other options as well:
- Disable the voice.  You might not notice the difference!
- The voice might not actually be dead.  There is a bug that makes them appear dead.

Alesis will only sell (past-tense: would only sell) the complete voice board, which is 1) bogus and 2) silly inasmuch as nearly every other IC that Wavefront Semi offers is/was available in limited quantities through the right surplus/catalog electronics distributor.

From the experience of an experienced bench technician / electronics designer / luxury electronics importer, Alesis blew it big time - it remains to be seen how Modal / 20 Electronics / EMC-Schmidt handle service issues for their increasingly expensive offerings.

* - and would also be an interesting question for Uli Behringer to answer: in thirty years' time, how easily will the DeepMind12 units be able to be serviced? Modified? Extended via third-party firmware?
« Last Edit: August 14, 2016, 04:20:06 PM by DavidDever »
Sequential / DSI stuff: Prophet-6 Keyboard with Yorick Tech LFE, Prophet 12 Keyboard, Mono Evolver Keyboard, Split-Eight, Six-Trak, Prophet 2000

Sacred Synthesis

Re: What Is the New Andromeda?
« Reply #25 on: August 16, 2016, 08:00:19 AM »
I think an interesting contest could be had between the Prophet 12 and the 002.  The designers and owners of both boast that these instruments and their digital oscillators have achieved sonic wonders that make analog oscillators blush.  I would love to see and hear the two parties compare their instruments.  And if one excels in some way or another, I'd like to understand exactly why that is.  The discussion would obviously come down to much filter talk, but again, I'd like to follow it.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2016, 08:01:50 AM by Sacred Synthesis »

Re: What Is the New Andromeda?
« Reply #26 on: August 16, 2016, 08:56:07 AM »
I think an interesting contest could be had between the Prophet 12 and the 002.  The designers and owners of both boast that these instruments and their digital oscillators have achieved sonic wonders that make analog oscillators blush.  I would love to see and hear the two parties compare their instruments.  And if one excels in some way or another, I'd like to understand exactly why that is.  The discussion would obviously come down to much filter talk, but again, I'd like to follow it.

There's a dedicated thread on Gearslutz: https://www.gearslutz.com/board/electronic-music-instruments-electronic-music-production/979461-prophet-12-modulus-002-comparable.html?highlight=prophet+12+modulus+002+comparable

And there are other 002 threads, where the Prophet 12 has been brought up too.


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Re: What Is the New Andromeda?
« Reply #27 on: August 16, 2016, 09:09:04 AM »
Of course I know this will never happen, but I would like to see someone license the design from Alesis and remake the Andromeda...
"Classical musicians go to the conservatories, rock´n roll musicians go to the garages." --- Frank Zappa
| Linnstrument | Old VCOs, Older Filters, some LFOs & Envelopes | Suhr | Mayones | Roland TD-50 | Synergy Guitar Amps | Eventide Effects Galore |


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Re: What Is the New Andromeda?
« Reply #28 on: August 16, 2016, 11:01:36 AM »
I think an interesting contest could be had between the Prophet 12 and the 002.  The designers and owners of both boast that these instruments and their digital oscillators have achieved sonic wonders that make analog oscillators blush.  I would love to see and hear the two parties compare their instruments.  And if one excels in some way or another, I'd like to understand exactly why that is.  The discussion would obviously come down to much filter talk, but again, I'd like to follow it.
I'm not sure the comparison would be completely fair... I mean you're talking about a $3000 machine vs a $5000 machine.   
However, for $5000, you could have a P12 and a P12 module... now that would be an interesting comparison.
"Classical musicians go to the conservatories, rock´n roll musicians go to the garages." --- Frank Zappa
| Linnstrument | Old VCOs, Older Filters, some LFOs & Envelopes | Suhr | Mayones | Roland TD-50 | Synergy Guitar Amps | Eventide Effects Galore |

Sacred Synthesis

Re: What Is the New Andromeda?
« Reply #29 on: August 16, 2016, 01:53:47 PM »
I think an interesting contest could be had between the Prophet 12 and the 002.  The designers and owners of both boast that these instruments and their digital oscillators have achieved sonic wonders that make analog oscillators blush.  I would love to see and hear the two parties compare their instruments.  And if one excels in some way or another, I'd like to understand exactly why that is.  The discussion would obviously come down to much filter talk, but again, I'd like to follow it.

There's a dedicated thread on Gearslutz: https://www.gearslutz.com/board/electronic-music-instruments-electronic-music-production/979461-prophet-12-modulus-002-comparable.html?highlight=prophet+12+modulus+002+comparable

And there are other 002 threads, where the Prophet 12 has been brought up too.

Yes, I'd read some of that before.  I was thinking more of a toe-to-to type comparison - not combative, but exacting.

Sacred Synthesis

Re: What Is the New Andromeda?
« Reply #30 on: August 16, 2016, 01:55:36 PM »
I think an interesting contest could be had between the Prophet 12 and the 002.  The designers and owners of both boast that these instruments and their digital oscillators have achieved sonic wonders that make analog oscillators blush.  I would love to see and hear the two parties compare their instruments.  And if one excels in some way or another, I'd like to understand exactly why that is.  The discussion would obviously come down to much filter talk, but again, I'd like to follow it.
I'm not sure the comparison would be completely fair... I mean you're talking about a $3000 machine vs a $5000 machine.   
However, for $5000, you could have a P12 and a P12 module... now that would be an interesting comparison.

True.  But the P12 and 002 are the two popular and somewhat reasonably-priced large scale poly synths these days.  I'm sure many people have been trying to chose between one or the other.


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Re: What Is the New Andromeda?
« Reply #31 on: August 16, 2016, 02:19:28 PM »
True.  But the P12 and 002 are the two popular and somewhat reasonably-priced large scale poly synths these days.  I'm sure many people have been trying to chose between one or the other.
You called the 002 "somewhat reasonably-priced"?   I need YOUR money!   :)

Seriously though, I know you're thinking about a P12 and TWO Prophet 08 modules.....
"Classical musicians go to the conservatories, rock´n roll musicians go to the garages." --- Frank Zappa
| Linnstrument | Old VCOs, Older Filters, some LFOs & Envelopes | Suhr | Mayones | Roland TD-50 | Synergy Guitar Amps | Eventide Effects Galore |

Sacred Synthesis

Re: What Is the New Andromeda?
« Reply #32 on: August 16, 2016, 03:55:05 PM »
Very funny.  I presently have no money for synthesizers, thanks to a deer friend.  The 002 is "reasonable" only compared to instruments like the Schmidt, which is more or less the next step up from Modal Electronics.


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Re: What Is the New Andromeda?
« Reply #33 on: August 16, 2016, 04:23:36 PM »
Very funny.  I presently have no money for synthesizers, thanks to a deer friend.  The 002 is "reasonable" only compared to instruments like the Schmidt, which is more or less the next step up from Modal Electronics.
For the Schmidt money ($20k), I would pay Tom to make me an Oberheim 8 voice... And have money left over for a 008 and a 002.
"Classical musicians go to the conservatories, rock´n roll musicians go to the garages." --- Frank Zappa
| Linnstrument | Old VCOs, Older Filters, some LFOs & Envelopes | Suhr | Mayones | Roland TD-50 | Synergy Guitar Amps | Eventide Effects Galore |

Sacred Synthesis

Re: What Is the New Andromeda?
« Reply #34 on: August 16, 2016, 06:32:23 PM »
For the price of a Schmidt, you could put a down payment on a small house!  Even if I had such disposable income, I would never spend so much money on an instrument.  My whole set up is worth only half of the price tag.


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Re: What Is the New Andromeda?
« Reply #35 on: August 16, 2016, 06:33:52 PM »
For the price of a Schmidt, you could put a down payment on a small house!  Even if I had such disposable income, I would never spend so much money on an instrument.  My whole set up is worth only half of the price tag.
No doubt.
"Classical musicians go to the conservatories, rock´n roll musicians go to the garages." --- Frank Zappa
| Linnstrument | Old VCOs, Older Filters, some LFOs & Envelopes | Suhr | Mayones | Roland TD-50 | Synergy Guitar Amps | Eventide Effects Galore |


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Re: What Is the New Andromeda?
« Reply #36 on: August 16, 2016, 07:45:04 PM »
Maybe I'll just save up for an Andromeda... You can negotiate them down to $2500 or so on eBay / Reverb.....
"Classical musicians go to the conservatories, rock´n roll musicians go to the garages." --- Frank Zappa
| Linnstrument | Old VCOs, Older Filters, some LFOs & Envelopes | Suhr | Mayones | Roland TD-50 | Synergy Guitar Amps | Eventide Effects Galore |

Sacred Synthesis

Re: What Is the New Andromeda?
« Reply #37 on: August 16, 2016, 08:06:26 PM »
Be careful.  They've got a number of bugs, parts are getting rare, and who can repair it when it develops problems?  Gee, you've got a Prophet 12.  What do you need an A6 for?


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Re: What Is the New Andromeda?
« Reply #38 on: August 16, 2016, 08:08:11 PM »
Be careful.  They've got a number of bugs, parts are getting rare, and who can repair it when it develops problems?  Gee, you've got a Prophet 12.  What do you need an A6 for?
You're more than right.... that was just the GAS talking.    ???
"Classical musicians go to the conservatories, rock´n roll musicians go to the garages." --- Frank Zappa
| Linnstrument | Old VCOs, Older Filters, some LFOs & Envelopes | Suhr | Mayones | Roland TD-50 | Synergy Guitar Amps | Eventide Effects Galore |

Sacred Synthesis

Re: What Is the New Andromeda?
« Reply #39 on: August 16, 2016, 08:09:36 PM »
I understand.  Well, you should feel a little better now.  :o