Just bought a (used, but mint) OB6 desktop
I'm noticing that several presets are very reactive and sound great as I'd expect. But others are sounding extremely tinny and distant, sometimes barely producing sound (I can hear it if I really jack up the volume, so something is being produced). Not sure if the desktop mod wheel might be somehow locked in (per the troubleshooting part of the operation manual), but doesn't seem to matter either.
In this case, I noticed it heavily with factory presets 540/541/542, not matching at all to this video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhB_q5B6eOsI updated to 1.6.6 (it had shipped with 1.5.5 for what it's worth).
I am noticing this straight through headphones, and trying to isolate to the most minimal configuration (also took my DAW out of the equation and am doing this straight through the SoundTower sound editor)
Any tips appreciated, hoping this is some newbie issue